mem.h File Reference

Memory handling with sentinel checking and pools with tags for grouped free'ing. More...

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Data Structures

struct  memBlockFoot_s
struct  memBlock_s
struct  memPool_s


#define MEM_MAX_POOLNAME   64
#define MEM_HASH   11
#define Mem_CreatePool(name)   _Mem_CreatePool((name),__FILE__,__LINE__)
#define Mem_DeletePool(pool)   _Mem_DeletePool((pool),__FILE__,__LINE__)
#define Mem_Free(ptr)   _Mem_Free((ptr),__FILE__,__LINE__)
#define Mem_FreeTag(pool, tagNum)   _Mem_FreeTag((pool),(tagNum),__FILE__,__LINE__)
#define Mem_FreePool(pool)   _Mem_FreePool((pool),__FILE__,__LINE__)
#define Mem_Alloc(size)   _Mem_Alloc((size),qtrue,com_genericPool,0,__FILE__,__LINE__)
#define Mem_AllocExt(size, zeroFill)   _Mem_Alloc((size),(zeroFill),com_genericPool,0,__FILE__,__LINE__)
#define Mem_PoolAlloc(size, pool, tagNum)   _Mem_Alloc((size),qtrue,(pool),(tagNum),__FILE__,__LINE__)
#define Mem_PoolAllocExt(size, zeroFill, pool, tagNum)   _Mem_Alloc((size),(zeroFill),(pool),(tagNum),__FILE__,__LINE__)
#define Mem_ReAlloc(ptr, size)   _Mem_ReAlloc((ptr),(size),__FILE__,__LINE__)
#define Mem_Dup(in, size)   _Mem_PoolDup((in),(size),com_genericPool,0,__FILE__,__LINE__)
#define Mem_StrDup(in)   _Mem_PoolStrDup((in),com_genericPool,0,__FILE__,__LINE__)
#define Mem_PoolStrDupTo(in, out, pool, tagNum)   _Mem_PoolStrDupTo((in),(out),(pool),(tagNum),__FILE__,__LINE__)
#define Mem_PoolStrDup(in, pool, tagNum)   _Mem_PoolStrDup((in),(pool),(tagNum),__FILE__,__LINE__)
#define Mem_PoolSize(pool)   _Mem_PoolSize((pool))
#define Mem_TagSize(pool, tagNum)   _Mem_TagSize((pool),(tagNum))
#define Mem_ChangeTag(pool, tagFrom, tagTo)   _Mem_ChangeTag((pool),(tagFrom),(tagTo))
#define Mem_CheckPoolIntegrity(pool)   _Mem_CheckPoolIntegrity((pool),__FILE__,__LINE__)
#define Mem_CheckGlobalIntegrity()   _Mem_CheckGlobalIntegrity(__FILE__,__LINE__)
#define Mem_TouchPool(pool)   _Mem_TouchPool((pool),__FILE__,__LINE__)
#define Mem_TouchGlobal()   _Mem_TouchGlobal(__FILE__,__LINE__)


typedef struct memBlockFoot_s memBlockFoot_t
typedef struct memBlock_s memBlock_t
typedef struct memPool_s memPool_t


memPool_t_Mem_CreatePool (const char *name, const char *fileName, const int fileLine) __attribute__((malloc))
uint32_t _Mem_DeletePool (memPool_t *pool, const char *fileName, const int fileLine)
uint32_t _Mem_Free (void *ptr, const char *fileName, const int fileLine)
uint32_t _Mem_FreeTag (memPool_t *pool, const int tagNum, const char *fileName, const int fileLine)
 Free memory blocks assigned to a specified tag within a pool.
uint32_t _Mem_FreePool (memPool_t *pool, const char *fileName, const int fileLine)
 Free all items within a pool.
void * _Mem_Alloc (size_t size, qboolean zeroFill, memPool_t *pool, const int tagNum, const char *fileName, const int fileLine) __attribute__((malloc))
 Optionally returns 0 filled memory allocated in a pool with a tag.
void * _Mem_ReAlloc (void *ptr, size_t size, const char *fileName, const int fileLine)
size_t Mem_Size (const void *ptr)
char * _Mem_PoolStrDupTo (const char *in, char **out, memPool_t *pool, const int tagNum, const char *fileName, const int fileLine)
 Saves a string to client hunk.
void * _Mem_PoolDup (const void *in, size_t size, memPool_t *pool, const int tagNum, const char *fileName, const int fileLine)
char * _Mem_PoolStrDup (const char *in, memPool_t *pool, const int tagNum, const char *fileName, const int fileLine) __attribute__((malloc))
 No need to null terminate the extra spot because Mem_Alloc returns zero-filled memory.
uint32_t _Mem_PoolSize (memPool_t *pool)
uint32_t _Mem_TagSize (memPool_t *pool, const int tagNum)
uint32_t _Mem_ChangeTag (memPool_t *pool, const int tagFrom, const int tagTo)
void _Mem_CheckPoolIntegrity (memPool_t *pool, const char *fileName, const int fileLine)
void _Mem_CheckGlobalIntegrity (const char *fileName, const int fileLine)
void _Mem_TouchPool (memPool_t *pool, const char *fileName, const int fileLine)
void _Mem_TouchGlobal (const char *fileName, const int fileLine)
void * _Mem_AllocatedInPool (memPool_t *pool, const void *pointer)
void Mem_Init (void)
uint32_t Mem_Shutdown (void)

Detailed Description

Memory handling with sentinel checking and pools with tags for grouped free'ing.

Definition in file mem.h.

Define Documentation

#define Mem_Alloc ( size   )     _Mem_Alloc((size),qtrue,com_genericPool,0,__FILE__,__LINE__)
#define Mem_AllocExt ( size,
zeroFill   )     _Mem_Alloc((size),(zeroFill),com_genericPool,0,__FILE__,__LINE__)

Definition at line 77 of file mem.h.

#define Mem_ChangeTag ( pool,
tagTo   )     _Mem_ChangeTag((pool),(tagFrom),(tagTo))

Definition at line 88 of file mem.h.

Referenced by R_SwitchModelMemPoolTag().

#define Mem_CheckGlobalIntegrity (  )     _Mem_CheckGlobalIntegrity(__FILE__,__LINE__)

Definition at line 91 of file mem.h.

Referenced by Qcommon_Init().

#define Mem_CheckPoolIntegrity ( pool   )     _Mem_CheckPoolIntegrity((pool),__FILE__,__LINE__)

Definition at line 90 of file mem.h.

#define Mem_CreatePool ( name   )     _Mem_CreatePool((name),__FILE__,__LINE__)
#define Mem_DeletePool ( pool   )     _Mem_DeletePool((pool),__FILE__,__LINE__)

Definition at line 71 of file mem.h.

Referenced by Mem_Shutdown(), and SV_ShutdownGameProgs().

#define Mem_Dup ( in,
size   )     _Mem_PoolDup((in),(size),com_genericPool,0,__FILE__,__LINE__)

Definition at line 82 of file mem.h.

Referenced by MD2GLCmdsRemove(), and MD2SkinFix().

#define Mem_Free ( ptr   )     _Mem_Free((ptr),__FILE__,__LINE__)

Definition at line 73 of file mem.h.

Referenced by AIR_PostLoadInitMissions(), ASE_FreeGeomObject(), BuildFacelights(), Cbuf_AddLateCommands(), Cbuf_InsertText(), Check_Free(), Check_InitEntityDefs(), Check_SidesOverlap(), Check_Stats(), CIN_OGM_StopCinematic(), CIN_ROQ_PlayCinematic(), CIN_ROQ_StopCinematic(), CL_ActorCleanup(), CL_ExecuteBattlescapeEvent(), CL_FilterEventQueue(), CL_FreeBattlescapeEvent(), CL_HTTP_Cleanup(), CL_ParseFileList(), CL_PingServers_f(), CL_QueryMasterServerThread(), CL_SetHTTPServer(), CloseTracingNodes(), Cmd_Alias_f(), Cmd_BufClear(), Cmd_Exec_f(), Cmd_RemoveCommand(), Com_UnregisterConstVariable(), CP_CreateBattleParameters(), Cvar_Delete(), Cvar_FixCheatVars(), Cvar_FullSet(), Cvar_Get(), Cvar_Set2(), Cvar_UnRegisterChangeListener(), EndOfScript(), free_dbuffer(), free_element(), FreeBrush(), FreeFace(), FreeInventory(), FreePatches(), FreePortal(), FreeTree(), FreeTree_r(), FreeWinding(), FS_AddGameDirectory(), FS_BuildFileList(), FS_CopyFile(), FS_GetMaps(), FS_Shutdown(), GAME_FreeInventory(), HTTP_Recv(), Irc_Client_CmdRplNamreply(), Irc_Logic_RemoveChannelName(), Irc_Proto_Disconnect(), Irc_Proto_DrainBucket(), Key_SetBinding(), LIST_Delete(), LIST_RemoveEntry(), LoadJPG(), MAP_Init(), Master_HeartbeatThread(), Master_Shutdown(), MD2GLCmdsRemove(), MD2SkinFix(), MoveBrushesToWorld(), MP_LoadTeamMultiplayer(), MP_SaveTeamMultiplayer(), NET_DatagramSocketClose(), NET_StreamClose(), NET_Wait(), Qcommon_Frame(), R_BuildLightmap(), R_DeleteFBObject(), R_ImageClearMaterials(), R_LoadMaterials(), R_LoadObjModel(), R_LoadShader(), R_ModCalcUniqueNormalsAndTangents(), R_ModelLoadDPMVertsForFrame(), R_ModLoadAliasMD2MeshIndexed(), R_ModLoadAliasMD2MeshUnindexed(), R_ModReloadSurfacesArrays(), R_PreprocessShader(), R_ScreenShot(), R_ShutdownFBObjects(), R_SoftenTexture(), R_SortSurfacesArrays(), R_UploadData(), R_UploadTexture(), S_FreeSamples(), SAV_GameLoad(), SAV_GameSave(), SEQ_ExecuteRemove(), SetKeyValue(), SV_AssembleMap(), SV_Map(), SV_MapcycleClear(), SV_ParallelSearch(), SV_SetMaster_f(), SV_Shutdown(), testAssembly(), testMassAssemblyParallel(), testMassAssemblySequential(), testMassAssemblyTimeout(), TryLoadJPG(), TryLoadPNG(), TryLoadTGA(), UI_AbstractValueDelete(), UI_CloneCvarOrFloat(), UI_DrawModelNode(), UI_FreeRadarImages(), UI_FreeStringProperty(), UI_MaterialEditorRemoveStage_f(), UI_ModelNodeDelete(), UI_PopupList(), UI_RemoveListener(), UI_SetOneButton(), UI_Shutdown(), UI_TextNodeGenerateLineSplit(), WriteMapFile(), and WriteTGA24().

#define Mem_FreePool ( pool   )     _Mem_FreePool((pool),__FILE__,__LINE__)
#define Mem_FreeTag ( pool,
tagNum   )     _Mem_FreeTag((pool),(tagNum),__FILE__,__LINE__)

Definition at line 74 of file mem.h.

Referenced by FreeAllInventory(), GAME_FreeAllInventory(), R_ShutdownModels(), and S_Shutdown().

#define MEM_HASH   11
#define MEM_MAX_POOLNAME   64

Definition at line 29 of file mem.h.

Referenced by _Mem_CreatePool().

#define Mem_PoolAlloc ( size,
tagNum   )     _Mem_Alloc((size),qtrue,(pool),(tagNum),__FILE__,__LINE__)

Definition at line 78 of file mem.h.

Referenced by allocate_element(), AllocInventoryMemory(), CIN_OGM_PlayCinematic(), CIN_ROQ_DecodeInfo(), CIN_ROQ_PlayCinematic(), CL_ActorAddToTeamList(), CL_GetEventMail(), CL_ParseEvent(), CL_ParseLanguages(), CL_ParseTipsOfTheDay(), CM_MakeTracingNodes(), Cmd_AddCommand(), Cmd_Alias_f(), CMod_LoadBrushes(), CMod_LoadBrushSides(), CMod_LoadLeafBrushes(), CMod_LoadLeafs(), CMod_LoadLighting(), CMod_LoadNodes(), CMod_LoadPlanes(), CMod_LoadSubmodels(), CMod_LoadSurfaces(), Com_ParseTerrain(), Com_RegisterConstInt(), Cvar_Get(), Cvar_GetChangeListener(), FS_AddGameDirectory(), FS_BuildFileList(), FS_CopyFile(), FS_GetMaps(), FS_ListFiles(), FS_LoadPackFile(), GAME_AllocInventoryMemory(), Irc_Client_CmdRplNamreply(), Irc_Logic_AddChannelName(), LIST_Add(), LIST_AddPointer(), LIST_AddString(), LoadModel(), main(), MP_LoadTeamMultiplayer(), MP_SaveTeamMultiplayer(), MS_AddNewMessageSound(), NET_DatagramSend(), NET_DatagramSocketDoNew(), NET_StreamNew(), new_dbuffer(), R_BeginBuildingLightmaps(), R_BuildLightmap(), R_CreateSurfaceFlare(), R_LoadBspVertexArrays(), R_LoadImage(), R_LoadImageData(), R_LoadMaterials(), R_LoadObjModel(), R_LoadObjModelVertexArrays(), R_LoadObjSkin(), R_LoadShader(), R_LoadSurfacesArrays_(), R_ModCalcUniqueNormalsAndTangents(), R_ModelLoadDPMVertsForFrame(), R_ModLoadAliasDPMModel(), R_ModLoadAliasMD2Mesh(), R_ModLoadAliasMD2MeshIndexed(), R_ModLoadAliasMD2MeshUnindexed(), R_ModLoadAliasMD3Model(), R_ModLoadAnims(), R_ModLoadArrayData(), R_ModLoadEdges(), R_ModLoadLeafs(), R_ModLoadLighting(), R_ModLoadMDX(), R_ModLoadNodes(), R_ModLoadPlanes(), R_ModLoadSubmodels(), R_ModLoadSurfaces(), R_ModLoadSurfedges(), R_ModLoadTags(), R_ModLoadTexinfo(), R_ModLoadVertexes(), R_PreprocessShader(), R_ScreenShot(), R_SortSurfacesArrays(), R_SphereGenerate(), S_LoadSample(), SAV_GameLoad(), SAV_GameSave(), Schedule_Event(), Schedule_Timer(), SV_InitGame(), SV_MapcycleAdd(), UI_AbstractValueNew(), UI_AddListener(), UI_AllocNodeWithoutNew(), UI_DrawModelNode(), UI_Init(), UI_MaterialEditorNewStage_f(), UI_ModelNodeNew(), UI_PoolAllocAction(), and UI_WindowNodeAddIndexedNode().

#define Mem_PoolAllocExt ( size,
tagNum   )     _Mem_Alloc((size),(zeroFill),(pool),(tagNum),__FILE__,__LINE__)

Definition at line 79 of file mem.h.

Referenced by R_SoftenTexture(), R_UploadData(), and R_UploadTexture().

#define Mem_PoolSize ( pool   )     _Mem_PoolSize((pool))

Definition at line 86 of file mem.h.

Referenced by SV_ShutdownGameProgs().

#define Mem_PoolStrDup ( in,
tagNum   )     _Mem_PoolStrDup((in),(pool),(tagNum),__FILE__,__LINE__)
#define Mem_PoolStrDupTo ( in,
tagNum   )     _Mem_PoolStrDupTo((in),(out),(pool),(tagNum),__FILE__,__LINE__)
#define Mem_ReAlloc ( ptr,
size   )     _Mem_ReAlloc((ptr),(size),__FILE__,__LINE__)

Definition at line 80 of file mem.h.

Referenced by R_ModLoadAliasMD2Mesh().

#define Mem_StrDup ( in   )     _Mem_PoolStrDup((in),com_genericPool,0,__FILE__,__LINE__)
#define Mem_TagSize ( pool,
tagNum   )     _Mem_TagSize((pool),(tagNum))

Definition at line 87 of file mem.h.

#define Mem_TouchGlobal (  )     _Mem_TouchGlobal(__FILE__,__LINE__)

Definition at line 94 of file mem.h.

Referenced by CL_Init(), and Qcommon_Init().

#define Mem_TouchPool ( pool   )     _Mem_TouchPool((pool),__FILE__,__LINE__)

Definition at line 93 of file mem.h.

Typedef Documentation

typedef struct memBlock_s memBlock_t
typedef struct memPool_s memPool_t

Function Documentation

void* _Mem_Alloc ( size_t  size,
qboolean  zeroFill,
memPool_t pool,
const int  tagNum,
const char *  fileName,
const int  fileLine 
void* _Mem_AllocatedInPool ( struct memPool_s pool,
const void *  pointer 

Searches a given pointer in all memory pool blocks

pool The pool to search the pointer in
pointer The pointer to search in the pool

Definition at line 559 of file mem.c.

References memPool_s::blocks, MEM_HASH, memBlock_s::memPointer, and memBlock_s::next.

Referenced by UI_FreeStringProperty(), and UI_ResetData().

uint32_t _Mem_ChangeTag ( memPool_t pool,
const int  tagFrom,
const int  tagTo 

Definition at line 450 of file mem.c.

References memPool_s::blocks, MEM_HASH, memBlock_s::next, and memBlock_s::tagNum.

void _Mem_CheckGlobalIntegrity ( const char *  fileName,
const int  fileLine 

Definition at line 519 of file mem.c.

References _Mem_CheckPoolIntegrity(), i, memPool_s::inUse, and m_numPools.

void _Mem_CheckPoolIntegrity ( memPool_t pool,
const char *  fileName,
const int  fileLine 
memPool_t* _Mem_CreatePool ( const char *  name,
const char *  fileName,
const int  fileLine 
uint32_t _Mem_DeletePool ( struct memPool_s pool,
const char *  fileName,
const int  fileLine 
See also:

Definition at line 112 of file mem.c.

References _Mem_FreePool(), memPool_s::inUse, memPool_s::name, and qfalse.

uint32_t _Mem_Free ( void *  ptr,
const char *  fileName,
const int  fileLine 
uint32_t _Mem_FreePool ( struct memPool_s pool,
const char *  fileName,
const int  fileLine 

Free all items within a pool.

See also:

Definition at line 236 of file mem.c.

References _Mem_Free(), memPool_s::blockCount, memPool_s::blocks, memPool_s::byteCount, MEM_HASH, memBlock_s::memPointer, memBlock_s::next, and next.

Referenced by _Mem_DeletePool().

uint32_t _Mem_FreeTag ( memPool_t pool,
const int  tagNum,
const char *  fileName,
const int  fileLine 

Free memory blocks assigned to a specified tag within a pool.

Definition at line 209 of file mem.c.

References _Mem_Free(), memPool_s::blocks, MEM_HASH, memBlock_s::memPointer, memBlock_s::next, next, and memBlock_s::tagNum.

Referenced by SV_FreeTags().

void* _Mem_PoolDup ( const void *  in,
size_t  size,
memPool_t pool,
const int  tagNum,
const char *  fileName,
const int  fileLine 

Definition at line 387 of file mem.c.

References _Mem_Alloc(), and qfalse.

uint32_t _Mem_PoolSize ( struct memPool_s pool  ) 
[in] pool The pool to get the size from

Definition at line 420 of file mem.c.

References memPool_s::byteCount.

char* _Mem_PoolStrDup ( const char *  in,
struct memPool_s pool,
const int  tagNum,
const char *  fileName,
const int  fileLine 

No need to null terminate the extra spot because Mem_Alloc returns zero-filled memory.

[in] in String to store in the given pool
[in] pool The pool to allocate the memory in
[in] tagNum 
[in] fileName The filename where this function was called from
[in] fileLine The line where this function was called from

Definition at line 407 of file mem.c.

References _Mem_Alloc(), and qtrue.

Referenced by _Mem_PoolStrDupTo().

char* _Mem_PoolStrDupTo ( const char *  in,
char **  out,
struct memPool_s pool,
const int  tagNum,
const char *  fileName,
const int  fileLine 

Saves a string to client hunk.

[in] in String to store in the given pool
[out] out The location where you want the pool pointer to be stored
[in] pool The pool to allocate the memory in
[in] tagNum 
[in] fileName The filename where this function was called from
[in] fileLine The line where this function was called from

Definition at line 379 of file mem.c.

References _Mem_PoolStrDup().

void* _Mem_ReAlloc ( void *  ptr,
size_t  size,
const char *  fileName,
const int  fileLine 
uint32_t _Mem_TagSize ( memPool_t pool,
const int  tagNum 

Definition at line 429 of file mem.c.

References memPool_s::blocks, MEM_HASH, memBlock_s::next, memBlock_s::size, and memBlock_s::tagNum.

void _Mem_TouchGlobal ( const char *  fileName,
const int  fileLine 

Definition at line 579 of file mem.c.

References _Mem_TouchPool(), i, memPool_s::inUse, and m_numPools.

void _Mem_TouchPool ( memPool_t pool,
const char *  fileName,
const int  fileLine 

Definition at line 531 of file mem.c.

References memPool_s::blocks, byte, i, MEM_HASH, memBlock_s::memPointer, memBlock_s::memSize, and memBlock_s::next.

Referenced by _Mem_TouchGlobal().

void Mem_Init ( void   ) 
See also:

Definition at line 683 of file mem.c.

References Cmd_AddCommand(), and z_lock.

Referenced by main(), Qcommon_Init(), and TEST_Init().

uint32_t Mem_Shutdown ( void   ) 
size_t Mem_Size ( const void *  ptr  ) 
[in] ptr The ptr to get the allocated size from

Definition at line 364 of file mem.c.

References byte, and memBlock_s::size.

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