game_import_t Struct Reference

functions provided by the main engine More...

#include <game.h>

Collaboration diagram for game_import_t:
Collaboration graph

Public Member Functions

 void (IMPORT *BroadcastPrintf)(int printlevel
const char __attribute__ ((format(printf, 2, 3)))
 void (IMPORT *DPrintf)(const char *fmt
 __attribute__ ((format(printf, 1, 2)))
 void (IMPORT *PlayerPrintf)(const player_t *player
 void (IMPORT *PositionedSound)(int mask
 void (IMPORT *ConfigString)(int num
const char __attribute__ ((format(printf, 2, 3)))
 void (IMPORT *Error)(const char *fmt
 __attribute__ ((noreturn, format(printf, 1, 2)))
 int (IMPORT *ModelIndex)(const char *name)
 void (IMPORT *SetInlineModelOrientation)(const char *name
 void (IMPORT *SetModel)(edict_t *ent
 trace_t (IMPORT *Trace)(const vec3_t start
 collision detection
 int (IMPORT *PointContents)(vec3_t point)
const char *IMPORT * GetFootstepSound (const char *texture)
 float (IMPORT *GetBounceFraction)(const char *texture)
 qboolean (IMPORT *LoadModelMinsMaxs)(const char *model
 void (IMPORT *LinkEdict)(edict_t *ent)
 void (IMPORT *UnlinkEdict)(edict_t *ent)
 int (IMPORT *BoxEdicts)(const vec3_t mins
 int (IMPORT *TouchEdicts)(const vec3_t mins
 qboolean (IMPORT *TestLine)(const vec3_t start
 fast version of a line trace but without including entities
 qboolean (IMPORT *TestLineWithEnt)(const vec3_t start
 fast version of a line trace that also includes entities
 float (IMPORT *GrenadeTarget)(const vec3_t from
 void (IMPORT *MoveCalc)(const routing_t *map
 void (IMPORT *MoveStore)(pathing_t *path)
 pos_t (IMPORT *MoveLength)(const pathing_t *path
 int (IMPORT *MoveNext)(const pathing_t *path
 int (IMPORT *GridFloor)(const routing_t *map
 int (IMPORT *GetTUsForDirection)(int dir)
 pos_t (IMPORT *GridFall)(const routing_t *map
 void (IMPORT *GridPosToVec)(const routing_t *map
 void (IMPORT *GridRecalcRouting)(routing_t *map
const char *IMPORT * FS_Gamedir (void)
 int (IMPORT *FS_LoadFile)(const char *path
 void (IMPORT *FS_FreeFile)(void *buffer)
 void (IMPORT *WriteChar)(char c)
 void (IMPORT *WriteByte)(byte c)
byte *IMPORT * WriteDummyByte (byte c)
 void (IMPORT *WriteShort)(int c)
 void (IMPORT *WriteLong)(int c)
 void (IMPORT *WriteString)(const char *s)
 void (IMPORT *WritePos)(const vec3_t pos)
 void (IMPORT *WriteGPos)(const pos3_t pos)
 void (IMPORT *WriteDir)(const vec3_t pos)
 void (IMPORT *WriteAngle)(float f)
 void (IMPORT *WriteFormat)(const char *format
 void (IMPORT *AbortEvents)(void)
 void (IMPORT *EndEvents)(void)
 void (IMPORT *AddEvent)(unsigned int mask
 int (IMPORT *GetEvent)(void)
 int (IMPORT *ReadChar)(void)
 int (IMPORT *ReadByte)(void)
 int (IMPORT *ReadShort)(void)
 int (IMPORT *ReadLong)(void)
 int (IMPORT *ReadString)(char *str
 void (IMPORT *ReadPos)(vec3_t pos)
 void (IMPORT *ReadGPos)(pos3_t pos)
 void (IMPORT *ReadDir)(vec3_t vector)
 float (IMPORT *ReadAngle)(void)
 void (IMPORT *ReadData)(void *buffer
 void (IMPORT *ReadFormat)(const char *format
 qboolean (IMPORT *GetConstInt)(const char *name
 qboolean (IMPORT *GetConstIntFromNamespace)(const char *space
const char *IMPORT * GetConstVariable (const char *space, int value)
 void (IMPORT *RegisterConstInt)(const char *name
 qboolean (IMPORT *UnregisterConstVariable)(const char *name)
 void (IMPORT *GetCharacterValues)(const char *teamDefinition
void *IMPORT * TagMalloc (int size, int tag, const char *file, int line)
 void (IMPORT *TagFree)(void *block
 void (IMPORT *FreeTags)(int tag
cvar_t *IMPORT * Cvar_Get (const char *varName, const char *value, int flags, const char *desc)
cvar_t *IMPORT * Cvar_Set (const char *varName, const char *value)
const char *IMPORT * Cvar_String (const char *varName)
 int (IMPORT *Cmd_Argc)(void)
const char *IMPORT * Cmd_Argv (int n)
const char *IMPORT * Cmd_Args (void)
 void (IMPORT *AddCommandString)(const char *text)

Data Fields

int seed
const char * fmt
int printlevel
int const char * fmt
int const char va_list ap
const vec3_t origin
const vec3_t const edict_tent
const vec3_t const edict_t
const char * 
const vec3_t const vec3_t angles
const char * name
const vec3_t mins
const vec3_t const vec3_t maxs
const vec3_t const vec3_t
const vec3_t 
const vec3_t const vec3_t
const vec3_t const edict_t
const vec3_t const vec3_t
const vec3_t const edict_t int 
int frame
int vec3_t mins
int vec3_t vec3_t maxs
const vec3_t maxs
const vec3_t edict_t ** list
const vec3_t edict_t int maxcount
const vec3_t edict_t int edict_tskip
const vec3_t stop
const vec3_t const int levelmask
const vec3_t const int const
char ** 
const vec3_t at
const vec3_t float speed
const vec3_t float qboolean launched
const vec3_t float qboolean
const vec3_t float qboolean
qboolean vec3_t 
actorSizeEnum_t actorSize
actorSizeEnum_t pathing_tpath
actorSizeEnum_t pathing_t
const pos3_t 
actorSizeEnum_t pathing_t
const pos3_t byte 
actorSizeEnum_t pathing_t
const pos3_t byte int 
actorSizeEnum_t pathing_t
const pos3_t byte int pos_t ** 
actorSizeEnum_t pathing_t
const pos3_t byte int pos_t
const pos3_t to
const pos3_t byte crouchingState
const pos3_t byte qboolean stored
const pos3_t from
actorSizeEnum_t const pos3_t pos
actorSizeEnum_t const pos3_t vec3_t vec
const char const char ** list
byte ** buffer
int eType
size_t length
int size
int * value
const char int * value
int value
const char * file
const char int line

Detailed Description

functions provided by the main engine

Definition at line 93 of file game.h.

Member Function Documentation

game_import_t::__attribute__ ( (noreturn, format(printf, 1, 2))   ) 
const char game_import_t::__attribute__ ( (format(printf, 2, 3))   ) 
Type Constraints
game_import_t::__attribute__ ( (format(printf, 1, 2))   ) 
const char game_import_t::__attribute__ ( (format(printf, 2, 3))   ) 
Type Constraints
const char* IMPORT* game_import_t::Cmd_Args ( void   ) 

concatenation of all argv >= 1

Referenced by G_Say_f().

const char* IMPORT* game_import_t::Cmd_Argv ( int  n  ) 
cvar_t* IMPORT* game_import_t::Cvar_Get ( const char *  varName,
const char *  value,
int  flags,
const char *  desc 

Referenced by G_Init().

cvar_t* IMPORT* game_import_t::Cvar_Set ( const char *  varName,
const char *  value 

Referenced by CheckNeedPass(), and G_RunFrame().

const char* IMPORT* game_import_t::Cvar_String ( const char *  varName  ) 
game_import_t::float ( IMPORT *  ReadAngle  ) 
game_import_t::float ( IMPORT *  GrenadeTarget  )  const
game_import_t::float ( IMPORT *  GetBounceFraction  )  const
const char* IMPORT* game_import_t::FS_Gamedir ( void   ) 

Referenced by G_Init(), and SVCmd_WriteIP_f().

const char* IMPORT* game_import_t::GetConstVariable ( const char *  space,
int  value 

Referenced by AIL_toTeamString().

const char* IMPORT* game_import_t::GetFootstepSound ( const char *  texture  ) 

Referenced by G_PhysicsStep().

game_import_t::int ( IMPORT *  Cmd_Argc  ) 
game_import_t::int ( IMPORT *  ReadString  ) 
game_import_t::int ( IMPORT *  ReadLong  ) 
game_import_t::int ( IMPORT *  ReadShort  ) 
game_import_t::int ( IMPORT *  ReadByte  ) 
game_import_t::int ( IMPORT *  ReadChar  ) 
game_import_t::int ( IMPORT *  GetEvent  ) 
game_import_t::int ( IMPORT *  FS_LoadFile  )  const
game_import_t::int ( IMPORT *  GetTUsForDirection  ) 
game_import_t::int ( IMPORT *  GridFloor  )  const
game_import_t::int ( IMPORT *  MoveNext  )  const
game_import_t::int ( IMPORT *  TouchEdicts  )  const
game_import_t::int ( IMPORT *  BoxEdicts  )  const
game_import_t::int ( IMPORT *  PointContents  ) 
game_import_t::int ( IMPORT *  ModelIndex  )  const

the *index functions create configstrings and some internal server state

game_import_t::pos_t ( IMPORT *  GridFall  )  const
game_import_t::pos_t ( IMPORT *  MoveLength  )  const
game_import_t::qboolean ( IMPORT *  UnregisterConstVariable  )  const
game_import_t::qboolean ( IMPORT *  GetConstIntFromNamespace  )  const
game_import_t::qboolean ( IMPORT *  GetConstInt  )  const
game_import_t::qboolean ( IMPORT *  TestLineWithEnt  )  const

fast version of a line trace that also includes entities

game_import_t::qboolean ( IMPORT *  TestLine  )  const

fast version of a line trace but without including entities

game_import_t::qboolean ( IMPORT *  LoadModelMinsMaxs  )  const
void* IMPORT* game_import_t::TagMalloc ( int  size,
int  tag,
const char *  file,
int  line 
game_import_t::trace_t ( IMPORT *  Trace  )  const

collision detection

traces a box from start to end, ignoring entities passent, stopping if it hits an object of type specified via contentmask (MASK_*). Mins and maxs set the box which will do the tracing - if NULL then a line is used instead
the trace data
game_import_t::void ( IMPORT *  AddCommandString  )  const

add commands to the server console as if they were typed in for map changing, etc

game_import_t::void ( IMPORT *  FreeTags  ) 
game_import_t::void ( IMPORT *  TagFree  ) 
game_import_t::void ( IMPORT *  GetCharacterValues  )  const
game_import_t::void ( IMPORT *  RegisterConstInt  )  const
game_import_t::void ( IMPORT *  ReadFormat  )  const
game_import_t::void ( IMPORT *  ReadData  ) 
game_import_t::void ( IMPORT *  ReadDir  ) 
game_import_t::void ( IMPORT *  ReadGPos  ) 
game_import_t::void ( IMPORT *  ReadPos  ) 
game_import_t::void ( IMPORT *  AddEvent  ) 
game_import_t::void ( IMPORT *  EndEvents  ) 
game_import_t::void ( IMPORT *  AbortEvents  ) 
game_import_t::void ( IMPORT *  WriteFormat  )  const
game_import_t::void ( IMPORT *  WriteAngle  ) 
game_import_t::void ( IMPORT *  WriteDir  )  const

single byte encoded, very coarse

game_import_t::void ( IMPORT *  WriteGPos  )  const
game_import_t::void ( IMPORT *  WritePos  )  const

some fractional bits

game_import_t::void ( IMPORT *  WriteString  )  const
game_import_t::void ( IMPORT *  WriteLong  ) 
game_import_t::void ( IMPORT *  WriteShort  ) 
game_import_t::void ( IMPORT *  WriteByte  ) 
game_import_t::void ( IMPORT *  WriteChar  ) 
game_import_t::void ( IMPORT *  FS_FreeFile  ) 
game_import_t::void ( IMPORT *  GridRecalcRouting  ) 
game_import_t::void ( IMPORT *  GridPosToVec  )  const
game_import_t::void ( IMPORT *  MoveStore  ) 
game_import_t::void ( IMPORT *  MoveCalc  )  const
game_import_t::void ( IMPORT *  UnlinkEdict  ) 

call before removing an interactive edict

game_import_t::void ( IMPORT *  LinkEdict  ) 

links entity into the world - so that it is sent to the client and used for collision detection, etc. Must be relinked if its size, position or solidarity changes

game_import_t::void ( IMPORT *  SetModel  ) 
game_import_t::void ( IMPORT *  SetInlineModelOrientation  )  const

This updates the inline model's orientation

game_import_t::void ( IMPORT *  Error  )  const
The error message should not have a newline - it's added inside of this function
game_import_t::void ( IMPORT *  ConfigString  ) 

configstrings hold all the index strings. All of the current configstrings are sent to clients when they connect, and changes are sent to all connected clients.

game_import_t::void ( IMPORT *  PositionedSound  ) 
game_import_t::void ( IMPORT *  PlayerPrintf  )  const

sends message to only one player (don't use this to send messages to an AI player struct)

game_import_t::void ( IMPORT *  DPrintf  )  const

print output to server console

game_import_t::void ( IMPORT *  BroadcastPrintf  ) 

sends message to all players

byte* IMPORT* game_import_t::WriteDummyByte ( byte  c  ) 

Referenced by G_ClientMove().

Field Documentation

Definition at line 152 of file game.h.

Definition at line 122 of file game.h.

int const char va_list game_import_t::ap

Definition at line 106 of file game.h.

Definition at line 150 of file game.h.

Definition at line 164 of file game.h.

Definition at line 207 of file game.h.

const vec3_t const vec3_t const vec3_t const edict_t int game_import_t::contentmask

Definition at line 131 of file game.h.

Definition at line 154 of file game.h.

Definition at line 152 of file game.h.

Definition at line 152 of file game.h.

Definition at line 131 of file game.h.

Definition at line 108 of file game.h.

const vec3_t const int const char** game_import_t::entlist

Definition at line 149 of file game.h.

Definition at line 184 of file game.h.

const char * game_import_t::file

Definition at line 211 of file game.h.

int const char* game_import_t::fmt

Definition at line 106 of file game.h.

const char * game_import_t::fmt

Definition at line 102 of file game.h.

Definition at line 152 of file game.h.

Definition at line 152 of file game.h.

Definition at line 136 of file game.h.

Definition at line 155 of file game.h.

Definition at line 152 of file game.h.

Definition at line 150 of file game.h.

Definition at line 192 of file game.h.

Definition at line 147 of file game.h.

const char int game_import_t::line

Definition at line 211 of file game.h.

const char const char** game_import_t::list

Definition at line 160 of file game.h.

Definition at line 143 of file game.h.

Definition at line 143 of file game.h.

Definition at line 143 of file game.h.

Definition at line 136 of file game.h.

Definition at line 131 of file game.h.

Definition at line 136 of file game.h.

Definition at line 131 of file game.h.

const char * game_import_t::name

Definition at line 124 of file game.h.

Definition at line 108 of file game.h.

Definition at line 131 of file game.h.

Definition at line 152 of file game.h.

Definition at line 156 of file game.h.

Definition at line 106 of file game.h.

Definition at line 150 of file game.h.

random seed

Definition at line 95 of file game.h.

Referenced by GetGameAPI().

Definition at line 197 of file game.h.

Definition at line 144 of file game.h.

const vec3_t const edict_t const char* game_import_t::sound

Definition at line 108 of file game.h.

Definition at line 150 of file game.h.

Definition at line 147 of file game.h.

Definition at line 154 of file game.h.

Definition at line 154 of file game.h.

Definition at line 150 of file game.h.

Definition at line 203 of file game.h.

const char int* game_import_t::value

Definition at line 201 of file game.h.

Definition at line 200 of file game.h.

Definition at line 159 of file game.h.

The documentation for this struct was generated from the following file:

Generated by  doxygen 1.6.2