g_ai.h File Reference

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Data Structures

struct  aiAction_t


#define GUETE_HIDE   60
#define GUETE_CLOSE_IN   20
#define GUETE_KILL   30
#define GUETE_RANDOM   10
#define GUETE_CIV_FACTOR   0.25
#define GUETE_CIV_RANDOM   10
#define GUETE_RUN_AWAY   50
#define RUN_AWAY_DIST   160
#define WAYPOINT_CIV_DIST   768
#define AI_ACTION_NOTHING_FOUND   -10000.0
#define CLOSE_IN_DIST   1200.0
#define SPREAD_FACTOR   8.0
#define SPREAD_NORM(x)   (x > 0 ? SPREAD_FACTOR/(x*torad) : 0)
#define HIDE_DIST   7
 distance for (ai) hiding in grid tiles
#define HERD_DIST   7


void AI_TurnIntoDirection (edict_t *ent, const pos3_t pos)
 This function will turn the AI actor into the direction that is needed to walk to the given location.
qboolean AI_FindHidingLocation (int team, edict_t *ent, const pos3_t from, int *tuLeft)
 Tries to search a hiding spot.
qboolean AI_FindHerdLocation (edict_t *ent, const pos3_t from, const vec3_t target, int tu)
 Tries to search a spot where actor will be more closer to the target and behind the target from enemy.
int AI_GetHidingTeam (const edict_t *ent)
 Returns the value for the vis check whenever an ai actor tries to hide. For aliens this is the inverse team - see the vis check code for the inverse team rules to see how this works. For civilians we have to specify the alien team and can't use the inverse team rules. This is needed because the inverse team rules aren't working for the civilian team - see TEAM_CIVILIAN.
const item_tAI_GetItemForShootType (shoot_types_t shootType, const edict_t *ent)
void AIL_ActorThink (player_t *player, edict_t *ent)
 The think function for the ai controlled aliens.
int AIL_InitActor (edict_t *ent, char *type, char *subtype)
 Initializes the AI.
void AIL_Cleanup (void)
 Purges all the AI from the entities.
void AIL_Init (void)
void AIL_Shutdown (void)

Detailed Description

Artificial Intelligence structures.

Definition in file g_ai.h.

Define Documentation

#define AI_ACTION_NOTHING_FOUND   -10000.0
#define CLOSE_IN_DIST   1200.0

Definition at line 58 of file g_ai.h.

Referenced by AI_FighterCalcBestAction().

#define GUETE_CIV_FACTOR   0.25

Definition at line 45 of file g_ai.h.

Referenced by AI_SearchBestTarget().


Definition at line 49 of file g_ai.h.

Referenced by AI_CivilianCalcBestAction().

#define GUETE_CIV_RANDOM   10

Definition at line 47 of file g_ai.h.

Referenced by AI_CivilianCalcBestAction().

#define GUETE_CLOSE_IN   20

Definition at line 40 of file g_ai.h.

Referenced by AI_FighterCalcBestAction().

#define GUETE_HIDE   60

Definition at line 39 of file g_ai.h.

Referenced by AI_FighterCalcBestAction().

#define GUETE_KILL   30

Definition at line 41 of file g_ai.h.

Referenced by AI_SearchBestTarget().


Definition at line 53 of file g_ai.h.

Referenced by AI_CheckForMissionTargets().


Definition at line 54 of file g_ai.h.

Referenced by AI_CheckForMissionTargets().

#define GUETE_RANDOM   10

Definition at line 42 of file g_ai.h.

Referenced by AI_SearchBestTarget().


Definition at line 43 of file g_ai.h.

Referenced by AI_SearchBestTarget().


Definition at line 44 of file g_ai.h.

#define GUETE_RUN_AWAY   50

Definition at line 48 of file g_ai.h.

#define HERD_DIST   7

Definition at line 63 of file g_ai.h.

Referenced by AI_FindHerdLocation().

#define HIDE_DIST   7

distance for (ai) hiding in grid tiles

Definition at line 62 of file g_ai.h.

Referenced by AI_FindHidingLocation().

#define RUN_AWAY_DIST   160

Definition at line 50 of file g_ai.h.

Referenced by AI_CivilianCalcBestAction().

#define SPREAD_FACTOR   8.0

Definition at line 59 of file g_ai.h.

#define SPREAD_NORM (  )     (x > 0 ? SPREAD_FACTOR/(x*torad) : 0)

Definition at line 60 of file g_ai.h.

Referenced by AI_SearchBestTarget().

#define WAYPOINT_CIV_DIST   768

Definition at line 51 of file g_ai.h.

Referenced by AI_CheckForMissionTargets().

Function Documentation

qboolean AI_FindHerdLocation ( edict_t ent,
const pos3_t  from,
const vec3_t  target,
int  tu 

Tries to search a spot where actor will be more closer to the target and behind the target from enemy.

[in] ent The actor edict.
[in] from The grid position the actor is (theoretically) standing at and searching the nearest location from
[in] target Tries to find the nearest position to this location
[in] tu The available TUs of the actor

Definition at line 340 of file g_ai.c.

References AI_GetHidingTeam(), byte, DotProduct, G_EdictCalcOrigin(), G_EdictsGetNextLivingActorOfTeam(), G_IsCrouched, G_MoveCalcLocal(), gi, HERD_DIST, next, edict_s::origin, PATHFINDING_WIDTH, edict_s::pos, qfalse, qtrue, ROUTING_NOT_REACHABLE, VectorCompare, VectorCopy, VectorDistSqr, VectorNormalize(), and VectorSubtract.

Referenced by AIL_positionherd().

qboolean AI_FindHidingLocation ( int  team,
edict_t ent,
const pos3_t  from,
int *  tuLeft 

Tries to search a hiding spot.

[out] ent The actor edict. The position of the actor is updated here to perform visibility checks
[in] from The grid position the actor is (theoretically) standing at and searching a hiding location from
[in,out] tuLeft The amount of left TUs to find a hiding spot. The TUs needed to walk to the grid position is subtracted. May not be NULL.
[in] team The team from which actor tries to hide
true if hiding is possible, false otherwise

Definition at line 295 of file g_ai.c.

References byte, G_EdictCalcOrigin(), G_IsCrouched, G_MoveCalcLocal(), G_TestVis(), gi, HIDE_DIST, PATHFINDING_WIDTH, edict_s::pos, qfalse, qtrue, ROUTING_NOT_REACHABLE, VIS_YES, VT_NOFRUSTUM, and VT_PERISH.

Referenced by AI_FighterCalcBestAction(), and AIL_positionhide().

int AI_GetHidingTeam ( const edict_t ent  ) 

Returns the value for the vis check whenever an ai actor tries to hide. For aliens this is the inverse team - see the vis check code for the inverse team rules to see how this works. For civilians we have to specify the alien team and can't use the inverse team rules. This is needed because the inverse team rules aren't working for the civilian team - see TEAM_CIVILIAN.

A negative team number means "every other team" as the one from the given ent. See the vis check functions for the inverse team rules for more information.

Definition at line 279 of file g_ai.c.

References G_IsCivilian, edict_s::team, and TEAM_ALIEN.

Referenced by AI_FighterCalcBestAction(), AI_FindHerdLocation(), AI_HideNeeded(), and AIL_positionhide().

const item_t* AI_GetItemForShootType ( shoot_types_t  shootType,
const edict_t ent 

Returns the item of the currently chosen shoot type of the ai actor.

shootType The current selected shoot type
ent The ai actor
The item that was selected for the given shoot type. This might be NULL if no item was found.

Definition at line 250 of file g_ai.c.


Referenced by actorL_shoot(), and AI_FighterCalcBestAction().

void AI_TurnIntoDirection ( edict_t ent,
const pos3_t  pos 

This function will turn the AI actor into the direction that is needed to walk to the given location.

[in] aiActor The actor to turn
[in] pos The position to set the direction for

Definition at line 927 of file g_ai.c.

References byte, CORE_DIRECTIONS, FLYING_DIRECTIONS, G_ActorDoTurn(), G_IsCrouched, G_MoveCalc(), getDVdir, gi, level, level_locals_t::pathingMap, ROUTING_UNREACHABLE, edict_s::team, and edict_s::TU.

Referenced by actorL_face(), AI_ActorThink(), and pos3L_face().

void AIL_ActorThink ( player_t player,
edict_t ent 

The think function for the ai controlled aliens.

[in] player 
[in] ent 
See also:

Definition at line 968 of file g_ai_lua.c.

References edict_s::AI, gi, AI_s::L, lua_getglobal, lua_isstring(), lua_pcall(), and lua_tostring.

Referenced by AI_Run().

void AIL_Cleanup ( void   ) 

Purges all the AI from the entities.

Definition at line 1076 of file g_ai_lua.c.

References AIL_CleanupActor(), and G_EdictsGetNextActor().

Referenced by G_MatchSendResults().

void AIL_Init ( void   ) 

Definition at line 1057 of file g_ai_lua.c.


Referenced by G_Init().

int AIL_InitActor ( edict_t ent,
char *  type,
char *  subtype 

Initializes the AI.

[in] ent Pointer to actor to initialize AI for.
[in] type Type of AI (Lua file name without .lua).
[in] subtype Subtype of the AI.
0 on success.

Definition at line 999 of file g_ai_lua.c.

References actorL_register(), edict_s::AI, AI_METATABLE, AIL_methods, byte, Com_sprintf(), gi, AI_s::L, luaL_dobuffer, luaL_newstate(), luaL_register(), MAX_VAR, pos3L_register(), Q_strncpyz(), AI_s::subtype, and AI_s::type.

Referenced by AI_InitPlayer().

void AIL_Shutdown ( void   ) 

Definition at line 1065 of file g_ai_lua.c.

References gi.

Referenced by G_Shutdown().

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