g_ai_lua.c File Reference

#include "g_local.h"
#include "g_ai.h"
#include "lua/lauxlib.h"
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Data Structures

struct  aiActor_s
 Wrapper around edict. More...


#define POS3_METATABLE   "pos3"
#define ACTOR_METATABLE   "actor"
#define AI_METATABLE   "ai"
#define luaL_dobuffer(L, b, n, s)   (luaL_loadbuffer(L, b, n, s) || lua_pcall(L, 0, LUA_MULTRET, 0))
#define AIL_invalidparameter(n)   gi.DPrintf("AIL: Invalid parameter #%d in '%s'.\n", n, __func__)


typedef struct aiActor_s aiActor_t
 Wrapper around edict.


static const char * AIL_toTeamString (const int team)
 Converts integer team representation into string.
static int AIL_toTeamInt (const char *team)
 Converts team string into int representation.
static int actorL_register (lua_State *L)
 Registers the actor metatable in the lua_State.
static int lua_isactor (lua_State *L, int index)
 Checks to see if there is a actor metatable at index in the lua_State.
static aiActor_tlua_toactor (lua_State *L, int index)
 Returns the actor from the metatable at index.
static aiActor_tlua_pushactor (lua_State *L, aiActor_t *actor)
 Pushes a actor as a metatable at the top of the stack.
static int actorL_tostring (lua_State *L)
 Pushes the actor as a string.
static int actorL_pos (lua_State *L)
 Gets the actors position.
static int actorL_shoot (lua_State *L)
 Shoots the actor.
static int actorL_face (lua_State *L)
 Makes the actor face the position.
static int actorL_team (lua_State *L)
 Gets the actor's team.
static int pos3L_register (lua_State *L)
 Registers the pos3 metatable in the lua_State.
static int lua_ispos3 (lua_State *L, int index)
 Checks to see if there is a pos3 metatable at index in the lua_State.
static pos3_tlua_topos3 (lua_State *L, int index)
 Returns the pos3 from the metatable at index.
static pos3_tlua_pushpos3 (lua_State *L, pos3_t *pos)
 Pushes a pos3 as a metatable at the top of the stack.
static int pos3L_tostring (lua_State *L)
 Puts the pos3 information in a string.
static int pos3L_goto (lua_State *L)
 Makes the actor head to the position.
static int pos3L_face (lua_State *L)
 Makes the actor face the position.
static int AIL_print (lua_State *L)
 Works more or less like Lua's builtin print.
static int AIL_see (lua_State *L)
 Returns what the actor can see.
static int AIL_crouch (lua_State *L)
 Toggles crouch state with true/false and returns current crouch state.
static int AIL_isinjured (lua_State *L)
 Checks to see if the actor is injured.
static int AIL_TU (lua_State *L)
 Gets the number of TU the actor has left.
static int AIL_HP (lua_State *L)
 Gets the number of HP the actor has left.
static int AIL_morale (lua_State *L)
 Gets the current morale of the actor onto the stack.
static int AIL_reactionfire (lua_State *L)
 Sets the actor's reaction fire mode.
static int AIL_roundsleft (lua_State *L)
 Checks to see how many rounds the actor has left.
static int AIL_canreload (lua_State *L)
 Checks to see if the actor can reload.
static int AIL_reload (lua_State *L)
 Actor reloads his weapons.
static int AIL_positionshoot (lua_State *L)
 Moves the actor into a position in which he can shoot his target.
static int AIL_positionhide (lua_State *L)
 Moves the actor into a position in which he can hide.
static int AIL_positionherd (lua_State *L)
 Determine the position where actor is more closer to the target and locate behind the target from enemy.
static int AIL_distance (lua_State *L)
 Returns distance between AI and target.
void AIL_ActorThink (player_t *player, edict_t *ent)
 The think function for the ai controlled aliens.
int AIL_InitActor (edict_t *ent, char *type, char *subtype)
 Initializes the AI.
static void AIL_CleanupActor (edict_t *ent)
 Cleans up the AI part of the actor.
void AIL_Init (void)
void AIL_Shutdown (void)
void AIL_Cleanup (void)
 Purges all the AI from the entities.


static edict_tAIL_ent
static player_tAIL_player
static const luaL_reg actorL_methods []
static const luaL_reg pos3L_methods []
static const luaL_reg AIL_methods []

Define Documentation

#define ACTOR_METATABLE   "actor"

Actor Lua Metable name.

Definition at line 40 of file g_ai_lua.c.

Referenced by actorL_register(), lua_isactor(), lua_pushactor(), and lua_toactor().

#define AI_METATABLE   "ai"

AI Lua Metable name.

Definition at line 41 of file g_ai_lua.c.

Referenced by AIL_InitActor().

#define AIL_invalidparameter (  )     gi.DPrintf("AIL: Invalid parameter #%d in '%s'.\n", n, __func__)
#define luaL_dobuffer ( L,
 )     (luaL_loadbuffer(L, b, n, s) || lua_pcall(L, 0, LUA_MULTRET, 0))

Provides an api like luaL_dostring for buffers.

Definition at line 46 of file g_ai_lua.c.

Referenced by AIL_InitActor().

#define POS3_METATABLE   "pos3"

Pos3 Lua Metatable name.

Definition at line 39 of file g_ai_lua.c.

Referenced by lua_ispos3(), lua_pushpos3(), lua_topos3(), and pos3L_register().

Typedef Documentation

typedef struct aiActor_s aiActor_t

Wrapper around edict.

Function Documentation

static int actorL_face ( lua_State L  )  [static]

Makes the actor face the position.

Definition at line 363 of file g_ai_lua.c.

References AI_TurnIntoDirection(), aiActor_s::ent, lua_isactor(), lua_pushboolean(), lua_toactor(), and edict_s::pos.

static int actorL_pos ( lua_State L  )  [static]

Gets the actors position.

Definition at line 283 of file g_ai_lua.c.

References aiActor_s::ent, lua_isactor(), lua_pushpos3(), lua_toactor(), and edict_s::pos.

static int actorL_register ( lua_State L  )  [static]

Registers the actor metatable in the lua_State.


[in,out] L State to register the metatable in.
0 on success.

Definition at line 198 of file g_ai_lua.c.

References ACTOR_METATABLE, actorL_methods, lua_pop, lua_pushvalue(), lua_setfield(), luaL_newmetatable(), and luaL_register().

Referenced by AIL_InitActor().

static int actorL_shoot ( lua_State L  )  [static]

Shoots the actor.

Choose fire mode based on TU available - currently the first one is used.
actually handle fire modes

Definition at line 297 of file g_ai_lua.c.

References AI_GetItemForShootType(), aiActor_s::ent, FIRESH_FiredefForWeapon(), G_ClientShoot(), int(), lua_gettop(), lua_isactor(), lua_isnumber(), lua_pushboolean(), lua_toactor(), lua_tonumber(), item_s::m, edict_s::pos, qtrue, ST_LEFT, ST_RIGHT, item_s::t, fireDef_s::time, and edict_s::TU.

static int actorL_team ( lua_State L  )  [static]

Gets the actor's team.

Definition at line 382 of file g_ai_lua.c.

References AIL_toTeamString(), aiActor_s::ent, lua_isactor(), lua_pushstring(), lua_toactor(), and edict_s::team.

static int actorL_tostring ( lua_State L  )  [static]

Pushes the actor as a string.

Definition at line 266 of file g_ai_lua.c.

References edict_s::chr, Com_sprintf(), aiActor_s::ent, lua_isactor(), lua_pushstring(), lua_toactor(), MAX_VAR, and character_s::name.

void AIL_ActorThink ( player_t player,
edict_t ent 

The think function for the ai controlled aliens.

[in] player 
[in] ent 
See also:

Definition at line 968 of file g_ai_lua.c.

References edict_s::AI, gi, AI_s::L, lua_getglobal, lua_isstring(), lua_pcall(), and lua_tostring.

Referenced by AI_Run().

static int AIL_canreload ( lua_State L  )  [static]

Checks to see if the actor can reload.

Definition at line 767 of file g_ai_lua.c.

References game_import_t::csi, G_ClientCanReload(), gi, csi_s::idLeft, csi_s::idRight, and lua_pushboolean().

void AIL_Cleanup ( void   ) 

Purges all the AI from the entities.

Definition at line 1076 of file g_ai_lua.c.

References AIL_CleanupActor(), and G_EdictsGetNextActor().

Referenced by G_MatchSendResults().

static void AIL_CleanupActor ( edict_t ent  )  [static]

Cleans up the AI part of the actor.

[in] ent Pointer to actor to cleanup AI.

Definition at line 1046 of file g_ai_lua.c.

References edict_s::AI, AI_s::L, and lua_close().

Referenced by AIL_Cleanup().

static int AIL_crouch ( lua_State L  )  [static]

Toggles crouch state with true/false and returns current crouch state.

Definition at line 665 of file g_ai_lua.c.

References AIL_invalidparameter, G_ClientStateChange(), G_IsCrouched, lua_gettop(), lua_isboolean, lua_pushboolean(), lua_toboolean(), qfalse, qtrue, and STATE_CROUCHED.

static int AIL_distance ( lua_State L  )  [static]

Returns distance between AI and target.

target (passed trough the lua stack) The target to which the distance is calculated

Definition at line 944 of file g_ai_lua.c.

References aiActor_s::ent, lua_gettop(), lua_isactor(), lua_pushnumber(), lua_toactor(), edict_s::origin, and VectorDist.

static int AIL_HP ( lua_State L  )  [static]

Gets the number of HP the actor has left.

Definition at line 701 of file g_ai_lua.c.

References edict_s::HP, and lua_pushnumber().

void AIL_Init ( void   ) 

Definition at line 1057 of file g_ai_lua.c.


Referenced by G_Init().

int AIL_InitActor ( edict_t ent,
char *  type,
char *  subtype 

Initializes the AI.

[in] ent Pointer to actor to initialize AI for.
[in] type Type of AI (Lua file name without .lua).
[in] subtype Subtype of the AI.
0 on success.

Definition at line 999 of file g_ai_lua.c.

References actorL_register(), edict_s::AI, AI_METATABLE, AIL_methods, byte, Com_sprintf(), gi, AI_s::L, luaL_dobuffer, luaL_newstate(), luaL_register(), MAX_VAR, pos3L_register(), Q_strncpyz(), AI_s::subtype, and AI_s::type.

Referenced by AI_InitPlayer().

static int AIL_isinjured ( lua_State L  )  [static]

Checks to see if the actor is injured.

Definition at line 683 of file g_ai_lua.c.

References edict_s::chr, edict_s::HP, lua_pushboolean(), and character_s::maxHP.

static int AIL_morale ( lua_State L  )  [static]

Gets the current morale of the actor onto the stack.

Definition at line 710 of file g_ai_lua.c.

References lua_pushnumber(), and edict_s::morale.

static int AIL_positionherd ( lua_State L  )  [static]

Determine the position where actor is more closer to the target and locate behind the target from enemy.

target (parameter is passed through the lua stack) The actor to which AI tries to become closer

Definition at line 917 of file g_ai_lua.c.

References AI_FindHerdLocation(), AIL_invalidparameter, aiActor_s::ent, G_EdictSetOrigin(), lua_gettop(), lua_isactor(), lua_pushboolean(), lua_pushpos3(), lua_toactor(), edict_s::origin, edict_s::pos, save(), edict_s::TU, and VectorCopy.

static int AIL_positionhide ( lua_State L  )  [static]

Moves the actor into a position in which he can hide.

team (parameter is passed through the lua stack) means that the AI tries to find a hide position from the team members, if parameter is empty - from any enemy

Definition at line 879 of file g_ai_lua.c.

References AI_FindHidingLocation(), AI_GetHidingTeam(), AIL_invalidparameter, AIL_toTeamInt(), G_EdictSetOrigin(), lua_gettop(), lua_isstring(), lua_pushboolean(), lua_pushpos3(), lua_tostring, edict_s::pos, save(), TEAM_ALL, edict_s::TU, and VectorCopy.

static int AIL_positionshoot ( lua_State L  )  [static]
static int AIL_print ( lua_State L  )  [static]

Works more or less like Lua's builtin print.

General AI bindings.


Definition at line 532 of file g_ai_lua.c.

References gi, i, lua_gettop(), lua_pop, lua_pushvalue(), LUA_TBOOLEAN, LUA_TNIL, LUA_TNUMBER, lua_toboolean(), lua_tostring, LUA_TSTRING, lua_type(), luaL_callmeta(), qfalse, and qtrue.

static int AIL_reactionfire ( lua_State L  )  [static]
static int AIL_reload ( lua_State L  )  [static]

Actor reloads his weapons.

Definition at line 777 of file g_ai_lua.c.

References AIL_invalidparameter, game_import_t::csi, G_ActorReload(), gi, csi_s::idLeft, csi_s::idRight, INVDEF, lua_gettop(), lua_isstring(), and lua_tostring.

static int AIL_roundsleft ( lua_State L  )  [static]

Checks to see how many rounds the actor has left.

Definition at line 748 of file g_ai_lua.c.

References LEFT, lua_pushnil(), lua_pushnumber(), and RIGHT.

static int AIL_see ( lua_State L  )  [static]

Returns what the actor can see.

Properly implement at edict level, get rid of magic numbers. These are only "placeholders".

Definition at line 576 of file g_ai_lua.c.

References AIL_invalidparameter, AIL_toTeamInt(), check, aiActor_s::ent, G_EdictsGetNextLivingActor(), G_Vis(), i, lua_gettop(), lua_isstring(), lua_newtable, lua_pushactor(), lua_pushnumber(), lua_rawset(), lua_tostring, MAX_EDICTS, edict_s::pos, edict_s::team, TEAM_ALL, VectorDistSqr, and VT_NOFRUSTUM.

void AIL_Shutdown ( void   ) 

Definition at line 1065 of file g_ai_lua.c.

References gi.

Referenced by G_Shutdown().

static int AIL_toTeamInt ( const char *  team  )  [static]

Converts team string into int representation.

team The team to convert (alien, phalanx, civilian, ...)
The integer representation of the given team string
See also:

Definition at line 75 of file g_ai_lua.c.

References AIL_invalidparameter, gi, and TEAM_DEFAULT.

Referenced by AIL_positionhide(), and AIL_see().

static const char* AIL_toTeamString ( const int  team  )  [static]

Converts integer team representation into string.

team The team to convert to the string representation
The team string
See also:

Definition at line 61 of file g_ai_lua.c.

References AIL_invalidparameter, game_import_t::GetConstVariable(), and gi.

Referenced by actorL_team().

static int AIL_TU ( lua_State L  )  [static]

Gets the number of TU the actor has left.

Definition at line 692 of file g_ai_lua.c.

References lua_pushnumber(), and edict_s::TU.

static int lua_isactor ( lua_State L,
int  index 
) [static]

Checks to see if there is a actor metatable at index in the lua_State.

[in,out] L Lua state to check.
[in] index Index to check for a actor metatable.
1 if index has a actor metatable otherwise returns 0.

Definition at line 222 of file g_ai_lua.c.

References ACTOR_METATABLE, lua_getfield(), lua_getmetatable(), lua_pop, lua_rawequal(), and LUA_REGISTRYINDEX.

Referenced by actorL_face(), actorL_pos(), actorL_shoot(), actorL_team(), actorL_tostring(), AIL_distance(), AIL_positionherd(), AIL_positionshoot(), and lua_toactor().

static int lua_ispos3 ( lua_State L,
int  index 
) [static]

Checks to see if there is a pos3 metatable at index in the lua_State.

[in] L Lua state to check.
[in] index Index to check for a pos3 metatable.
1 if index has a pos3 metatable otherwise returns 0.

Definition at line 430 of file g_ai_lua.c.

References lua_getfield(), lua_getmetatable(), lua_pop, lua_rawequal(), LUA_REGISTRYINDEX, and POS3_METATABLE.

Referenced by lua_topos3(), pos3L_face(), pos3L_goto(), and pos3L_tostring().

static aiActor_t * lua_pushactor ( lua_State L,
aiActor_t actor 
) [static]

Pushes a actor as a metatable at the top of the stack.

Definition at line 253 of file g_ai_lua.c.

References ACTOR_METATABLE, lua_newuserdata(), lua_setmetatable(), and luaL_getmetatable.

Referenced by AIL_see().

static pos3_t * lua_pushpos3 ( lua_State L,
pos3_t pos 
) [static]

Pushes a pos3 as a metatable at the top of the stack.

Definition at line 461 of file g_ai_lua.c.

References lua_newuserdata(), lua_setmetatable(), luaL_getmetatable, and POS3_METATABLE.

Referenced by actorL_pos(), AIL_positionherd(), AIL_positionhide(), and AIL_positionshoot().

static aiActor_t * lua_toactor ( lua_State L,
int  index 
) [static]

Returns the actor from the metatable at index.

Definition at line 241 of file g_ai_lua.c.

References ACTOR_METATABLE, lua_isactor(), lua_touserdata(), and luaL_typerror().

Referenced by actorL_face(), actorL_pos(), actorL_shoot(), actorL_team(), actorL_tostring(), AIL_distance(), AIL_positionherd(), and AIL_positionshoot().

static pos3_t * lua_topos3 ( lua_State L,
int  index 
) [static]

Returns the pos3 from the metatable at index.

Definition at line 449 of file g_ai_lua.c.

References lua_ispos3(), lua_touserdata(), luaL_typerror(), and POS3_METATABLE.

Referenced by pos3L_face(), pos3L_goto(), and pos3L_tostring().

static int pos3L_face ( lua_State L  )  [static]

Makes the actor face the position.

Definition at line 513 of file g_ai_lua.c.

References AI_TurnIntoDirection(), lua_ispos3(), lua_pushboolean(), lua_topos3(), and pos.

static int pos3L_goto ( lua_State L  )  [static]

Makes the actor head to the position.

Definition at line 491 of file g_ai_lua.c.

References byte, G_ClientMove(), G_IsCrouched, G_MoveCalc(), gi, level, lua_ispos3(), lua_pushboolean(), lua_topos3(), level_locals_t::pathingMap, edict_s::pos, pos, and edict_s::TU.

static int pos3L_register ( lua_State L  )  [static]

Registers the pos3 metatable in the lua_State.

pos3 metatable.

P O S 3 L

[in] L State to register the metatable in.
0 on success.

Definition at line 406 of file g_ai_lua.c.

References lua_pop, lua_pushvalue(), lua_setfield(), luaL_newmetatable(), luaL_register(), POS3_METATABLE, and pos3L_methods.

Referenced by AIL_InitActor().

static int pos3L_tostring ( lua_State L  )  [static]

Puts the pos3 information in a string.

Definition at line 474 of file g_ai_lua.c.

References Com_sprintf(), lua_ispos3(), lua_pushstring(), lua_topos3(), and MAX_VAR.

Variable Documentation

const luaL_reg actorL_methods[] [static]
Initial value:
    {"__tostring", actorL_tostring},
    {"pos", actorL_pos},
    {"shoot", actorL_shoot},
    {"face", actorL_face},
    {"team", actorL_team},
    {NULL, NULL}

Lua Actor metatable methods. http://www.lua.org/manual/5.1/manual.html#lua_CFunction

Definition at line 115 of file g_ai_lua.c.

Referenced by actorL_register().

edict_t* AIL_ent [static]

Actor currently running the Lua AI.

Definition at line 94 of file g_ai_lua.c.

const luaL_reg AIL_methods[] [static]
Initial value:
    {"print", AIL_print},
    {"see", AIL_see},
    {"crouch", AIL_crouch},
    {"isinjured", AIL_isinjured},
    {"TU", AIL_TU},
    {"HP", AIL_HP},
    {"morale", AIL_morale},
    {"reactionfire", AIL_reactionfire},
    {"roundsleft", AIL_roundsleft},
    {"canreload", AIL_canreload},
    {"reload", AIL_reload},
    {"positionshoot", AIL_positionshoot},
    {"positionhide", AIL_positionhide},
    {"positionherd", AIL_positionherd},
    {"distance", AIL_distance},
    {NULL, NULL}

Lua AI module methods. http://www.lua.org/manual/5.1/manual.html#lua_CFunction

Definition at line 169 of file g_ai_lua.c.

Referenced by AIL_InitActor().

player_t* AIL_player [static]

Player currently running the Lua AI.

Definition at line 95 of file g_ai_lua.c.

const luaL_reg pos3L_methods[] [static]
Initial value:
    {"__tostring", pos3L_tostring},
    {"goto", pos3L_goto},
    {"face", pos3L_face},
    {NULL, NULL}

Lua Pos3 metatable methods. http://www.lua.org/manual/5.1/manual.html#lua_CFunction

Definition at line 140 of file g_ai_lua.c.

Referenced by pos3L_register().

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