
Go to the documentation of this file.
00006 /*
00007 All original material Copyright (C) 2002-2010 UFO: Alien Invasion.
00009 This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
00010 modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
00011 as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
00012 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
00014 This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
00015 but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
00018 See the GNU General Public License for more details.
00020 You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
00021 along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
00022 Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307, USA.
00024 */
00025 #include "../cl_shared.h"
00026 #include "../ui/ui_data.h"
00027 #include "../ui/ui_main.h" /* UI_ExecuteConfunc */
00028 #include "cp_campaign.h"
00029 #include "cp_basedefence_callbacks.h"
00030 #include "cp_fightequip_callbacks.h"
00031 #include "cp_mapfightequip.h"
00032 #include "cp_ufo.h"
00038 static aircraftItemType_t BDEF_GetItemTypeFromID (const char *type)
00039 {
00040     assert(type);
00041     if (!strcmp(type, "missile"))
00042         return AC_ITEM_BASE_MISSILE;
00043     else if (!strcmp(type, "laser"))
00044         return AC_ITEM_BASE_LASER;
00045     else {
00046         return MAX_ACITEMS;
00047     }
00048 }
00053 static const char *BDEF_GetIDFromItemType (aircraftItemType_t type)
00054 {
00055     switch (type) {
00056     case AC_ITEM_BASE_MISSILE:
00057         return "missile";
00058     case AC_ITEM_BASE_LASER:
00059         return "laser";
00060     default:
00061         return "unknown";
00062     }
00063 }
00069 static void BDEF_UpdateAircraftItemList (const aircraftSlot_t *slot)
00070 {
00071     linkedList_t *itemList = NULL;
00072     technology_t **list;
00074     assert(slot);
00076     /* Add all items corresponding to airequipID to list */
00077     list = AII_GetCraftitemTechsByType(slot->type);
00079     /* Copy only those which are researched to buffer */
00080     while (*list) {
00081         if (AIM_SelectableCraftItem(slot, *list))
00082             LIST_AddString(&itemList, _((*list)->name));
00083         list++;
00084     }
00086     /* copy buffer to mn.menuText to display it on screen */
00087     UI_RegisterLinkedListText(TEXT_LIST, itemList);
00088 }
00094 static void BDEF_SelectItem_f (void)
00095 {
00096     aircraftSlot_t *slot;
00097     installation_t* installation = INS_GetCurrentSelectedInstallation();
00098     base_t *base = B_GetCurrentSelectedBase();
00099     int bdefType;
00100     int slotIDX;
00101     int itemIDX;
00103     if (Cmd_Argc() < 4) {
00104         Com_Printf("Usage: %s <type> <slotIDX> <itemIDX>\n", Cmd_Argv(0));
00105         return;
00106     }
00108     bdefType = BDEF_GetItemTypeFromID(Cmd_Argv(1));
00109     slotIDX = atoi(Cmd_Argv(2));
00110     itemIDX = atoi(Cmd_Argv(3));
00112     if (bdefType == MAX_ACITEMS) {
00113         Com_Printf("BDEF_AddItem_f: Invalid defence type.\n");
00114         return;
00115     }
00117     if (slotIDX >= 0) {
00118         const objDef_t *item;
00119         slot = (installation) ? BDEF_GetInstallationSlotByIDX(installation, bdefType, slotIDX) : BDEF_GetBaseSlotByIDX(base, bdefType, slotIDX);
00120         item = (slot) ? ( (slot->nextItem) ? slot->nextItem : slot->item ) : NULL;
00121         UP_AircraftItemDescription(item);
00122     } else if (itemIDX >= 0) {
00123         technology_t **list;
00124         technology_t *itemTech = NULL;
00125         int i = 0;
00127         slot = (installation) ? BDEF_GetInstallationSlotByIDX(installation, bdefType, 0) : BDEF_GetBaseSlotByIDX(base, bdefType, 0);
00128         list = AII_GetCraftitemTechsByType(bdefType);
00129         while (*list && i <= itemIDX) {
00130             if (AIM_SelectableCraftItem(slot, *list)) {
00131                 itemTech = *list;
00132                 i++;
00133                 break;
00134             }
00135             list++;
00136         }
00137         UP_AircraftItemDescription((itemTech) ? INVSH_GetItemByIDSilent(itemTech->provides) : NULL);
00138     } else {
00139         Com_Printf("BDEF_AddItem_f: Invalid item-space.\n");
00140     }
00141 }
00143 static void BDEF_AddSlotToSlotList (const aircraftSlot_t *slot, linkedList_t **slotList)
00144 {
00145     char defBuffer[512];
00146     const int size = LIST_Count(*slotList) + 1;
00147     if (!slot->item) {
00148         Com_sprintf(defBuffer, lengthof(defBuffer), _("%i: empty"), size);
00149         LIST_AddString(slotList, defBuffer);
00150     } else {
00151         const technology_t *tech;
00152         const char *status;
00153         if (!slot->installationTime)
00154             status = _("Working");
00155         else if (slot->installationTime > 0)
00156             status = _("Installing");
00157         else if (slot->nextItem)
00158             status = _("Replacing");
00159         else
00160             status = _("Removing");
00162         if (slot->nextItem != NULL)
00163             tech = RS_GetTechForItem(slot->nextItem);
00164         else
00165             tech = RS_GetTechForItem(slot->item);
00167         Com_sprintf(defBuffer, lengthof(defBuffer), "%i: %s (%s)", size, _(tech->name), status);
00168         LIST_AddString(slotList, defBuffer);
00169     }
00170 }
00172 static void BDEF_FillSlotList (const baseWeapon_t *batteries, int maxBatteries, linkedList_t **slotList)
00173 {
00174     int i;
00176     BDEF_UpdateAircraftItemList(&batteries->slot);
00178     for (i = 0; i < maxBatteries; i++, batteries++) {
00179         const aircraftSlot_t *slot = &batteries->slot;
00180         BDEF_AddSlotToSlotList(slot, slotList);
00181     }
00182 }
00188 static void BDEF_BaseDefenceMenuUpdate_f (void)
00189 {
00190     char type[MAX_VAR];
00191     base_t *base = B_GetCurrentSelectedBase();
00192     installation_t *installation = INS_GetCurrentSelectedInstallation();
00193     aircraftItemType_t bdefType;
00194     linkedList_t *slotList = NULL;
00195     const qboolean missileResearched = RS_IsResearched_ptr(RS_GetTechByID("rs_building_missile"));
00196     const qboolean laserResearched = RS_IsResearched_ptr(RS_GetTechByID("rs_building_laser"));
00198     if (Cmd_Argc() != 2)
00199         type[0] = '\0';
00200     else
00201         Q_strncpyz(type, Cmd_Argv(1), sizeof(type));
00203     /* don't let old links appear on this menu */
00204     UI_ResetData(TEXT_BASEDEFENCE_LIST);
00205     UI_ResetData(TEXT_LIST);
00208     /* base or installation should not be NULL because we are in the menu of this base or installation */
00209     if (!base && !installation)
00210         return;
00212     /* base and installation should not both be set. This function requires one or the other set. */
00213     if (base && installation) {
00214         Com_Printf("BDEF_BaseDefenceMenuUpdate_f: both the base and installation are set.  This shouldn't happen: you shouldn't be in this function.\n");
00215         return;
00216     }
00218     Cvar_Set("mn_target", _("None"));
00219     Cmd_ExecuteString("setautofire disable");
00220     if (installation) {
00222         if (installation->numBatteries) {
00223             Cmd_ExecuteString(va("setautofire %i", installation->batteries[0].autofire));
00225             if (installation->batteries[0].target)
00226                 Cvar_Set("mn_target", UFO_AircraftToIDOnGeoscape(installation->batteries[0].target));
00227         }
00228     } else if (base) {
00229         qboolean autofire = qfalse;
00231         if (base->numBatteries) {
00232             autofire |= base->batteries[0].autofire;
00233             if (base->batteries[0].target)
00234                 Cvar_Set("mn_target", UFO_AircraftToIDOnGeoscape(base->batteries[0].target));
00235         }
00236         if (base->numLasers) {
00237             autofire |= base->lasers[0].autofire;
00238             if (base->lasers[0].target && !base->batteries[0].target)
00239                 Cvar_Set("mn_target", UFO_AircraftToIDOnGeoscape(base->lasers[0].target));
00240         }
00241         if (base->numBatteries || base->numLasers)
00242             Cmd_ExecuteString(va("setautofire %i", autofire));
00243     }
00245     /* Check if we can change to laser or missile */
00246     if (base) {
00247         UI_ExecuteConfunc("set_defencetypes %s %s",
00248                 (!missileResearched) ? "na" : (base && base->numBatteries > 0) ? "enable" : "disable",
00249                 (!laserResearched) ? "na" : (base && base->numLasers > 0) ? "enable" : "disable");
00250     } else if (installation) {
00251         UI_ExecuteConfunc("set_defencetypes %s %s",
00252                 (!missileResearched) ? "na" : (installation && installation->installationStatus == INSTALLATION_WORKING
00253                         && installation->numBatteries > 0) ? "enable" : "disable", "na");
00254     }
00256     if (!strcmp(type, "missile"))
00257         bdefType = AC_ITEM_BASE_MISSILE;
00258     else if (!strcmp(type, "laser"))
00259         bdefType = AC_ITEM_BASE_LASER;
00260     else    
00261         return;
00263     /* Check that the base or installation has at least 1 battery */
00264     if (base) {
00265         if (base->numBatteries + base->numLasers < 1) {
00266             Com_Printf("BDEF_BaseDefenceMenuUpdate_f: there is no defence battery in this base: you shouldn't be in this function.\n");
00267             return;
00268         }
00269     } else if (installation) {
00270         if (installation->installationStatus != INSTALLATION_WORKING) {
00271             Com_Printf("BDEF_BaseDefenceMenuUpdate_f: installation isn't working: you shouldn't be in this function.\n");
00272             return;
00273         } else if (installation->installationTemplate->maxBatteries < 1) {
00274             Com_Printf("BDEF_BaseDefenceMenuUpdate_f: there is no defence battery in this installation: you shouldn't be in this function.\n");
00275             return;
00276         }
00277     }
00279     if (installation) {
00280         /* we are in the installation defence menu */
00281         if (installation->installationTemplate->maxBatteries == 0) {
00282             LIST_AddString(&slotList, _("No defence of this type in this installation"));
00283         } else {
00284             BDEF_FillSlotList(installation->batteries, installation->installationTemplate->maxBatteries, &slotList);
00285         }
00286     } else if (bdefType == AC_ITEM_BASE_MISSILE) {
00287         /* we are in the base defence menu for missile */
00288         if (base->numBatteries == 0) {
00289             LIST_AddString(&slotList, _("No defence of this type in this base"));
00290         } else {
00291             BDEF_FillSlotList(base->batteries, base->numBatteries, &slotList);
00292         }
00293     } else if (bdefType == AC_ITEM_BASE_LASER) {
00294         /* we are in the base defence menu for laser */
00295         if (base->numLasers == 0) {
00296             LIST_AddString(&slotList, _("No defence of this type in this base"));
00297         } else {
00298             BDEF_FillSlotList(base->lasers, base->numLasers, &slotList);
00299         }
00300     } else {
00301         Com_Printf("BDEF_BaseDefenceMenuUpdate_f: unknown bdefType.\n");
00302         return;
00303     }
00304     UI_RegisterLinkedListText(TEXT_BASEDEFENCE_LIST, slotList);
00305 }
00310 static void BDEF_AddItem_f (void)
00311 {
00312     aircraftSlot_t *slot;
00313     installation_t* installation = INS_GetCurrentSelectedInstallation();
00314     base_t *base = B_GetCurrentSelectedBase();
00315     technology_t **list;
00316     technology_t *itemTech = NULL;
00317     int bdefType;
00318     int slotIDX;
00320     if ((!base && !installation) || (base && installation)) {
00321         Com_Printf("Exiting early base and install both true or both false\n");
00322         return;
00323     }
00325     if (Cmd_Argc() < 3) {
00326         Com_Printf("Usage: %s <type> <slotIDX>\n", Cmd_Argv(0));
00327         return;
00328     }
00330     bdefType = BDEF_GetItemTypeFromID(Cmd_Argv(1));
00331     slotIDX = atoi(Cmd_Argv(2));
00333     if (bdefType == MAX_ACITEMS) {
00334         Com_Printf("BDEF_AddItem_f: Invalid defence type.\n");
00335         return;
00336     }
00338     slot = (installation) ? BDEF_GetInstallationSlotByIDX(installation, bdefType, slotIDX) : BDEF_GetBaseSlotByIDX(base, bdefType,slotIDX);
00340     if (!slot) {
00341         Com_Printf("BDEF_AddItem_f: Invalid slot.\n");
00342         return;
00343     }
00345     list = AII_GetCraftitemTechsByType(bdefType);
00346     while (*list) {
00347         if (AIM_SelectableCraftItem(slot, *list)) {
00348             itemTech = *list;
00349             break;
00350         }
00351         list++;
00352     }
00354     if (!itemTech)
00355         return;
00357     if (!slot->nextItem) {
00358         /* we add the weapon, shield, item, or base defence if slot is free or the installation of
00359          * current item just began */
00360         if (!slot->item || (slot->item && slot->installationTime == slot->item->craftitem.installationTime)) {
00361             AII_RemoveItemFromSlot(base, slot, qfalse);
00362             AII_AddItemToSlot(base, itemTech, slot, qfalse); /* Aircraft stats are updated below */
00363             AII_AutoAddAmmo(slot);
00364         } else if (slot->item == INVSH_GetItemByID(itemTech->provides)) {
00365             /* the added item is the same than the one in current slot */
00366             if (slot->installationTime == -slot->item->craftitem.installationTime) {
00367                 /* player changed his mind: he just want to re-add the item he just removed */
00368                 slot->installationTime = 0;
00369             } else if (!slot->installationTime) {
00370                 /* player try to add a weapon he already have: just skip */
00371             }
00372         } else {
00373             /* We start removing current item in slot, and the selected item will be installed afterwards */
00374             slot->installationTime = -slot->item->craftitem.installationTime;
00375             AII_AddItemToSlot(base, itemTech, slot, qtrue);
00376             AII_AutoAddAmmo(slot);
00377         }
00378     } else {
00379         /* remove weapon and ammo of next item */
00380         AII_RemoveItemFromSlot(base, slot, qfalse);
00381         AII_AddItemToSlot(base, itemTech, slot, qtrue);
00382         AII_AutoAddAmmo(slot);
00383     }
00385     /* Reinit menu */
00386     Cmd_ExecuteString(va("basedef_updatemenu %s", BDEF_GetIDFromItemType(slot->type)));
00387 }
00392 static void BDEF_RemoveItem_f (void)
00393 {
00394     aircraftSlot_t *slot;
00395     installation_t* installation = INS_GetCurrentSelectedInstallation();
00396     base_t *base = B_GetCurrentSelectedBase();
00397     int bdefType;
00398     int slotIDX;
00400     if ((!base && !installation) || (base && installation)) {
00401         Com_Printf("Exiting early base and install both true or both false\n");
00402         return;
00403     }
00405     if (Cmd_Argc() < 3) {
00406         Com_Printf("Usage: %s <type> <slotIDX>\n", Cmd_Argv(0));
00407         return;
00408     }
00410     bdefType = BDEF_GetItemTypeFromID(Cmd_Argv(1));
00411     slotIDX = atoi(Cmd_Argv(2));
00413     if (bdefType == MAX_ACITEMS) {
00414         Com_Printf("BDEF_AddItem_f: Invalid defence type.\n");
00415         return;
00416     }
00418     slot = (installation) ? BDEF_GetInstallationSlotByIDX(installation, bdefType, slotIDX) : BDEF_GetBaseSlotByIDX(base, bdefType,slotIDX);
00420     if (!slot) {
00421         Com_Printf("BDEF_AddItem_f: Invalid slot.\n");
00422         return;
00423     }
00425     if (!slot->item)
00426         return;
00428     if (!slot->nextItem) {
00429         /* we change the weapon, shield, item, or base defence that is already in the slot */
00430         /* if the item has been installed since less than 1 hour, you don't need time to remove it */
00431         if (slot->installationTime < slot->item->craftitem.installationTime) {
00432             slot->installationTime = -slot->item->craftitem.installationTime;
00433             AII_RemoveItemFromSlot(base, slot, qtrue); /* we remove only ammo, not item */
00434         } else {
00435             AII_RemoveItemFromSlot(base, slot, qfalse); /* we remove weapon and ammo */
00436         }
00437     } else {
00438         /* we change the weapon, shield, item, or base defence that will be installed AFTER the removal
00439          * of the one in the slot atm */
00440         AII_RemoveItemFromSlot(base, slot, qfalse); /* we remove weapon and ammo */
00441         /* if you canceled next item for less than 1 hour, previous item is still functional */
00442         if (slot->installationTime == -slot->item->craftitem.installationTime) {
00443             slot->installationTime = 0;
00444         }
00445     }
00446     Cmd_ExecuteString(va("basedef_updatemenu %s", BDEF_GetIDFromItemType(slot->type)));
00447 }
00456 static void BDEF_RemoveBattery_f (void)
00457 {
00458     int basedefType, baseIdx;
00459     base_t *base;
00461     if (Cmd_Argc() < 3) {
00462         Com_Printf("Usage: %s <basedefType> <baseIdx>", Cmd_Argv(0));
00463         return;
00464     } else {
00465         char type[MAX_VAR];
00467         Q_strncpyz(type, Cmd_Argv(1), sizeof(type));
00468         if (!strcmp(type, "missile"))
00469             basedefType = BASEDEF_MISSILE;
00470         else if (!strcmp(type, "laser"))
00471             basedefType = BASEDEF_LASER;
00472         else if (!strcmp(type, "random"))
00473             basedefType = BASEDEF_RANDOM;
00474         else
00475             return;
00476         baseIdx = atoi(Cmd_Argv(2));
00477     }
00479     /* Check that the baseIdx exists */
00480     if (baseIdx < 0 || baseIdx >= ccs.numBases) {
00481         Com_Printf("BDEF_RemoveBattery_f: baseIdx %i doesn't exist: there is only %i bases in game.\n", baseIdx, ccs.numBases);
00482         return;
00483     }
00485     base = B_GetFoundedBaseByIDX(baseIdx);
00486     if (!base) {
00487         Com_Printf("BDEF_RemoveBattery_f: baseIdx %i is not founded.\n", baseIdx);
00488         return;
00489     }
00491     if (basedefType == BASEDEF_RANDOM) {
00492         /* Type of base defence to destroy is randomly selected */
00493         if (base->numBatteries <= 0 && base->numLasers <= 0) {
00494             Com_Printf("No base defence to destroy\n");
00495             return;
00496         } else if (base->numBatteries <= 0) {
00497             /* only laser battery is possible */
00498             basedefType = BASEDEF_LASER;
00499         } else if (base->numLasers <= 0) {
00500             /* only missile battery is possible */
00501             basedefType = BASEDEF_MISSILE;
00502         } else {
00503             /* both type are possible, choose one randomly */
00504             basedefType = rand() % 2 + BASEDEF_MISSILE;
00505         }
00506     } else {
00507         /* Check if the removed building was under construction */
00508         int type, max;
00509         int workingNum;
00510         building_t *building;
00512         switch (basedefType) {
00513         case BASEDEF_MISSILE:
00514             type = B_DEFENCE_MISSILE;
00515             max = base->numBatteries;
00516             break;
00517         case BASEDEF_LASER:
00518             type = B_DEFENCE_LASER;
00519             max = base->numLasers;
00520             break;
00521         default:
00522             Com_Printf("BDEF_RemoveBattery_f: base defence type %i doesn't exist.\n", basedefType);
00523             return;
00524         }
00526         building = NULL;
00527         workingNum = 0;
00528         while ((building = B_GetNextBuildingByType(base, building, type)))
00529             if (building->buildingStatus == B_STATUS_WORKING)
00530                 workingNum++;
00532         if (workingNum == max) {
00533             /* Removed building was under construction, do nothing */
00534             return;
00535         } else if (workingNum != max - 1) {
00536             /* Should never happen, we only remove building one by one */
00537             Com_Printf("BDEF_RemoveBattery_f: Error while checking number of batteries (%i instead of %i) in base '%s'.\n",
00538                 workingNum, max, base->name);
00539             return;
00540         }
00542         /* If we reached this point, that means we are removing a working building: continue */
00543     }
00545     BDEF_RemoveBattery(base, basedefType, -1);
00546 }
00551 static void BDEF_AddBattery_f (void)
00552 {
00553     int basedefType, baseIdx;
00555     if (Cmd_Argc() < 3) {
00556         Com_Printf("Usage: %s <basedefType> <baseIdx>", Cmd_Argv(0));
00557         return;
00558     } else {
00559         char type[MAX_VAR];
00561         Q_strncpyz(type, Cmd_Argv(1), sizeof(type));
00562         if (!strcmp(type, "missile"))
00563             basedefType = BASEDEF_MISSILE;
00564         else if (!strcmp(type, "laser"))
00565             basedefType = BASEDEF_LASER;
00566         else if (!strcmp(type, "random"))
00567             basedefType = BASEDEF_RANDOM;
00568         else
00569             return;
00570         baseIdx = atoi(Cmd_Argv(2));
00571     }
00573     /* Check that the baseIdx exists */
00574     if (baseIdx < 0 || baseIdx >= ccs.numBases) {
00575         Com_Printf("BDEF_AddBattery_f: baseIdx %i doesn't exist: there is only %i bases in game.\n", baseIdx, ccs.numBases);
00576         return;
00577     }
00579     /* Check that the basedefType exists */
00580     if (basedefType != BASEDEF_MISSILE && basedefType != BASEDEF_LASER) {
00581         Com_Printf("BDEF_AddBattery_f: base defence type %i doesn't exist.\n", basedefType);
00582         return;
00583     }
00585     BDEF_AddBattery(basedefType, B_GetBaseByIDX(baseIdx));
00586 }
00592 static void BDEF_ChangeAutoFire (void)
00593 {
00594     installation_t* installation = INS_GetCurrentSelectedInstallation();
00595     base_t *base = B_GetCurrentSelectedBase();
00596     int i;
00598     if (!base && !installation)
00599         return;
00600     if (base && installation)
00601         return;
00602     if (Cmd_Argc() < 2)
00603         return;
00605     if (base) {
00606         for (i = 0; i < base->numBatteries; i++)
00607             base->batteries[i].autofire = atoi(Cmd_Argv(1));
00608         for (i = 0; i < base->numLasers; i++)
00609             base->lasers[i].autofire = atoi(Cmd_Argv(1));
00610     } else if (installation)
00611         for (i = 0; i < installation->numBatteries; i++)
00612             installation->batteries[i].autofire = atoi(Cmd_Argv(1));
00613 }
00615 void BDEF_InitCallbacks (void)
00616 {
00617     Cmd_AddCommand("add_battery", BDEF_AddBattery_f, "Add a new battery to base");
00618     Cmd_AddCommand("remove_battery", BDEF_RemoveBattery_f, "Remove a battery from base");
00619     Cmd_AddCommand("basedef_updatemenu", BDEF_BaseDefenceMenuUpdate_f, "Inits base defence menu");
00620     Cmd_AddCommand("basedef_selectitem", BDEF_SelectItem_f, NULL);
00621     Cmd_AddCommand("basedef_additem", BDEF_AddItem_f, "Add item to slot");
00622     Cmd_AddCommand("basedef_removeitem", BDEF_RemoveItem_f, "Remove item from slot");
00623     Cmd_AddCommand("basedef_autofire", BDEF_ChangeAutoFire, "Change autofire option for selected defence system");
00624 }
00626 void BDEF_ShutdownCallbacks (void)
00627 {
00628     Cmd_RemoveCommand("add_battery");
00629     Cmd_RemoveCommand("remove_battery");
00630     Cmd_RemoveCommand("basedef_updatemenu");
00631     Cmd_RemoveCommand("basedef_selectitem");
00632     Cmd_RemoveCommand("basedef_additem");
00633     Cmd_RemoveCommand("basedef_removeitem");
00634     Cmd_RemoveCommand("basedef_autofire");
00635 }

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