cp_aircraft.c File Reference

Most of the aircraft related stuff. More...

#include "../client.h"
#include "../ui/ui_main.h"
#include "../ui/ui_popup.h"
#include "../../shared/parse.h"
#include "cp_campaign.h"
#include "cp_mapfightequip.h"
#include "cp_map.h"
#include "cp_ufo.h"
#include "cp_alienbase.h"
#include "cp_team.h"
#include "cp_time.h"
#include "cp_missions.h"
#include "save/save_aircraft.h"
Include dependency graph for cp_aircraft.c:

Go to the source code of this file.


aircraft_tAIR_GetNextFromBase (const base_t *b, aircraft_t *lastAircraft)
 Iterates through the aircraft of a base.
qboolean AIR_BaseHasAircraft (const base_t *base)
 Checks whether there is any aircraft assigned to the given base.
static int AIR_UpdateHangarCapForOne (const aircraft_t const *aircraftTemplate, base_t *base)
 Updates hangar capacities for one aircraft in given base.
void AIR_UpdateHangarCapForAll (base_t *base)
 Updates current capacities for hangars in given base.
static void AII_CollectingAmmo (aircraft_t *aircraft, const invList_t *magazine)
 Count and collect ammo from gun magazine.
void AII_CollectItem (aircraft_t *aircraft, const objDef_t *item, int amount)
 Add an item to aircraft inventory.
static void AII_CarriedItems (const le_t *soldier)
 Process items carried by soldiers.
void AII_CollectingItems (aircraft_t *aircraft, int won)
 Collect items from the battlefield.
const char * AIR_AircraftStatusToName (const aircraft_t *aircraft)
 Translates the aircraft status id to a translatable string.
qboolean AIR_IsAircraftInBase (const aircraft_t *aircraft)
 Checks whether given aircraft is in its homebase.
qboolean AIR_IsAircraftOnGeoscape (const aircraft_t *aircraft)
 Checks whether given aircraft is on geoscape.
int AIR_CountTypeInBase (const base_t *base, aircraftType_t aircraftType)
 Calculates the amount of aircraft (of the given type) in the selected base.
const char * AIR_GetAircraftString (aircraftType_t aircraftType)
 Returns the string that matches the given aircraft type.
int CL_AircraftMenuStatsValues (const int value, const int stat)
 Some of the aircraft values needs special calculations when they are shown in the menus.
int AIR_GetOperationRange (const aircraft_t *aircraft)
 Calculates the range an aircraft can fly on the geoscape.
int AIR_GetRemainingRange (const aircraft_t *aircraft)
 Calculates the remaining range the aircraft can fly.
qboolean AIR_AircraftHasEnoughFuel (const aircraft_t *aircraft, const vec2_t destination)
 check if aircraft has enough fuel to go to destination, and then come back home
qboolean AIR_AircraftHasEnoughFuelOneWay (const aircraft_t const *aircraft, const vec2_t destination)
 check if aircraft has enough fuel to go to destination
void AIR_AircraftReturnToBase (aircraft_t *aircraft)
 Calculates the way back to homebase for given aircraft and returns it.
int AIR_GetAircraftIDXInBase (const aircraft_t *aircraft)
 Returns the index of the aircraft in the base->aircraft array.
aircraft_tAIR_GetAircraftFromBaseByIDXSafe (base_t *base, int index)
aircraft_tAIR_GetAircraftSilent (const char *name)
 Searches the global array of aircraft types for a given aircraft.
aircraft_tAIR_GetAircraft (const char *name)
 Searches the global array of aircraft types for a given aircraft.
static void AII_SetAircraftInSlots (aircraft_t *aircraft)
 Initialise aircraft pointer in each slot of an aircraft.
aircraft_tAIR_Add (base_t *base, const aircraft_t *aircraftTemplate)
 Adds a new aircraft from a given aircraft template to the base and sets the homebase for the new aircraft to the given base.
qboolean AIR_Delete (base_t *base, const aircraft_t *aircraft)
 Will remove the given aircraft from the base.
aircraft_tAIR_NewAircraft (base_t *base, const char *name)
 Places a new aircraft in the given base.
int AIR_GetCapacityByAircraftWeight (const aircraft_t *aircraft)
static int AIR_GetStorageRoom (const aircraft_t *aircraft)
 Calculate used storage room corresponding to items in an aircraft.
const char * AIR_CheckMoveIntoNewHomebase (const aircraft_t *aircraft, const base_t *base, const int capacity)
static void AIR_TransferItemsCarriedByCharacterToBase (character_t *chr, base_t *sourceBase, base_t *destBase)
 Transfer items carried by a soldier from one base to another.
qboolean AIR_MoveAircraftIntoNewHomebase (aircraft_t *aircraft, base_t *base)
 Moves a given aircraft to a new base (also the employees and inventory).
void AIR_DeleteAircraft (aircraft_t *aircraft)
 Removes an aircraft from its base and the game.
void AIR_DestroyAircraft (aircraft_t *aircraft)
 Removes an aircraft from its base and the game.
qboolean AIR_AircraftMakeMove (int dt, aircraft_t *aircraft)
 Moves given aircraft.
static void AIR_Move (aircraft_t *aircraft, int deltaTime)
static void AIR_Refuel (aircraft_t *aircraft, int deltaTime)
void CL_CampaignRunAircraft (int dt, qboolean updateRadarOverlay)
 Handles aircraft movement and actions in geoscape mode.
aircraft_tAIR_AircraftGetFromIDX (int idx)
 Returns aircraft for a given global index.
qboolean AIR_SendAircraftToMission (aircraft_t *aircraft, mission_t *mission)
 Sends the specified aircraft to specified mission.
static void AII_InitialiseAircraftSlots (aircraft_t *aircraftTemplate)
 Initialise all values of an aircraft slot.
void AIR_ParseAircraft (const char *name, const char **text, qboolean assignAircraftItems)
 Parses all aircraft that are defined in our UFO-scripts.
void AIR_AircraftsNotifyMissionRemoved (const mission_t *const mission)
 Notify that a mission has been removed.
void AIR_AircraftsNotifyUFORemoved (const aircraft_t *const ufo, qboolean destroyed)
 Notify that a UFO has been removed.
void AIR_AircraftsUFODisappear (const aircraft_t *const ufo)
 Notify that a UFO disappear from radars.
static float AIR_GetDestinationFunction (const float c, const float B, const float speedRatio, float a)
 funtion we need to find roots.
static float AIR_GetDestinationDerivativeFunction (const float c, const float B, const float speedRatio, float a)
 derivative of the funtion we need to find roots.
static float AIR_GetDestinationFindRoot (const float c, const float B, const float speedRatio, float start)
 Find the roots of a function.
void AIR_GetDestinationWhilePursuing (const aircraft_t const *shooter, const aircraft_t const *target, vec2_t *dest)
 Calculates the point where aircraft should go to intecept a moving target.
qboolean AIR_SendAircraftPursuingUFO (aircraft_t *aircraft, aircraft_t *ufo)
 Make the specified aircraft purchasing a UFO.
void AIR_ResetAircraftTeam (aircraft_t *aircraft)
 Resets team in given aircraft.
qboolean AIR_AddToAircraftTeam (aircraft_t *aircraft, employee_t *employee)
 Adds given employee to given aircraft.
qboolean AIR_RemoveFromAircraftTeam (aircraft_t *aircraft, const employee_t *employee)
 Removes given employee from given aircraft team.
qboolean AIR_IsInAircraftTeam (const aircraft_t *aircraft, const employee_t *employee)
 Checks whether given employee is in given aircraft.
int AIR_GetTeamSize (const aircraft_t *aircraft)
 Counts the number of soldiers in given aircraft.
void AIR_AutoAddPilotToAircraft (base_t *base, employee_t *pilot)
 Adds the pilot to the first available aircraft at the specified base.
void AIR_RemovePilotFromAssignedAircraft (base_t *base, const employee_t *pilot)
 Checks to see if the pilot is in any aircraft at this base. If he is then he is removed from that aircraft.
int AIR_GetAircraftWeaponRanges (const aircraftSlot_t *slot, int maxSlot, float *weaponRanges)
 Get the all the unique weapon ranges of this aircraft.
static void AIR_SaveRouteXML (mxml_node_t *node, const mapline_t *route)
 Saves an route plan of an aircraft.
static void AIR_SaveAircraftSlotsXML (const aircraftSlot_t *slot, const int num, mxml_node_t *p, qboolean weapon)
 Saves an item slot.
static qboolean AIR_SaveAircraftXML (mxml_node_t *p, const aircraft_t *const aircraft, qboolean const isUfo)
 Saves an aircraft.
qboolean AIR_SaveXML (mxml_node_t *parent)
 Save callback for savegames in xml format.
static void AIR_LoadAircraftSlotsXML (aircraft_t *aircraft, aircraftSlot_t *slot, mxml_node_t *p, qboolean weapon, const int max)
 Loads the weapon slots of an aircraft.
static qboolean AIR_LoadRouteXML (mxml_node_t *p, mapline_t *route)
 Loads the route of an aircraft.
static qboolean AIR_LoadAircraftXML (mxml_node_t *p, aircraft_t *craft)
 Loads an Aircraft from the savegame.
static void AIR_CorrectAircraftSlotPointers (aircraft_t *aircraft)
 resets aircraftSlots' backreference pointers for aircraft
qboolean AIR_LoadXML (mxml_node_t *parent)
static void AIR_PostLoadInitMissions (void)
 Set the mission pointers for all the aircraft after loading a savegame.
void AIR_PostLoadInit (void)
 Actions needs to be done after loading the savegame.
qboolean AIR_AircraftAllowed (const base_t *base)
 Returns true if the current base is able to handle aircraft.
qboolean AIR_CanIntercept (const aircraft_t *aircraft)
qboolean AIR_ScriptSanityCheck (void)
 Checks the parsed aircraft for errors.
int AIR_CalculateHangarStorage (const aircraft_t *aircraftTemplate, const base_t *base, int used)
 Calculates free space in hangars in given base.
qboolean AIR_RemoveEmployee (employee_t *employee, aircraft_t *aircraft)
 Removes a soldier from an aircraft.
const aircraft_tAIR_IsEmployeeInAircraft (const employee_t *employee, const aircraft_t *aircraft)
 Tells you if a soldier is assigned to an aircraft.
void AIR_RemoveEmployees (aircraft_t *aircraft)
 Removes all soldiers from an aircraft.
void AIR_MoveEmployeeInventoryIntoStorage (const aircraft_t *aircraft, equipDef_t *ed)
 Move all the equipment carried by the team on the aircraft into the given equipment.
static qboolean AIR_AddEmployee (employee_t *employee, aircraft_t *aircraft)
 Assigns a soldier to an aircraft.
void AIM_AddEmployeeFromMenu (aircraft_t *aircraft, const int num)
 Adds or removes a soldier to/from an aircraft.
void AIR_AssignInitial (aircraft_t *aircraft)
 Assigns initial team of soldiers to aircraft.


static equipDef_t eTempEq
static const char * air_position_strings [AIR_POSITIONS_MAX]
 List of valid strings for itemPos_t.
static const value_t aircraft_param_vals []
 Valid aircraft parameter definitions from script files.
static const value_t aircraft_vals []
 Valid aircraft definition values from script files.

Detailed Description

Most of the aircraft related stuff.

See also:
Aircraft management functions prefix: AIR_
Aircraft menu(s) functions prefix: AIM_
Aircraft equipment handling functions prefix: AII_

Definition in file cp_aircraft.c.

Function Documentation

static void AII_CarriedItems ( const le_t soldier  )  [static]

Process items carried by soldiers.

[in] soldier Pointer to le_t being a soldier from our team.
See also:

Definition at line 309 of file cp_aircraft.c.

References item_s::a, objDef_s::ammo, ccs, CONTAINER, csi, ccs_s::eMission, objDef_s::idx, INVDEF, invList_s::item, item_s::m, invList_s::next, csi_s::numIDs, equipDef_s::numItems, equipDef_s::numItemsLoose, objDef_s::reload, RS_GetTechForItem(), RS_MarkCollected(), and item_s::t.

Referenced by AII_CollectingItems().

static void AII_CollectingAmmo ( aircraft_t aircraft,
const invList_t magazine 
) [static]

Count and collect ammo from gun magazine.

[in] magazine Pointer to invList_t being magazine.
[in] aircraft Pointer to aircraft used in this mission.
See also:

Definition at line 267 of file cp_aircraft.c.

References item_s::a, AII_CollectItem(), objDef_s::ammo, objDef_s::idx, invList_s::item, item_s::m, equipDef_s::numItemsLoose, and item_s::t.

Referenced by AII_CollectingItems().

void AII_CollectingItems ( aircraft_t aircraft,
int  won 

Collect items from the battlefield.

The way we are collecting items:
1. Grab everything from the floor and add it to the aircraft cargo here.
2. When collecting gun, collect it's remaining ammo as well
3. Sell everything or add to base storage when dropship lands in base.
4. Items carried by soldiers are processed nothing is being sold.
See also:

Definition at line 349 of file cp_aircraft.c.

References item_s::a, AII_CarriedItems(), AII_CollectingAmmo(), AII_CollectItem(), itemsTmp_s::amount, ARMOUR, ccs, cls, Com_DPrintf(), DEBUG_CLIENT, FLOOR, i, itemsTmp_s::item, invList_s::item, missionResults_s::itemAmount, aircraft_s::itemcargo, missionResults_s::itemTypes, aircraft_s::itemTypes, LE_GetNextInUse(), LE_IsActor(), LE_IsDead, LE_IsItem, MAX_CARGO, ccs_s::missionResults, objDef_s::name, invList_s::next, objDef_s::reload, item_s::t, client_static_s::team, and le_s::team.

Referenced by GAME_CP_Results().

void AII_CollectItem ( aircraft_t aircraft,
const objDef_t item,
int  amount 

Add an item to aircraft inventory.

[in,out] aircraft Aircraft to load to
[in] item Item to add
amount Number of items to add
See also:

Definition at line 286 of file cp_aircraft.c.

References itemsTmp_s::amount, Com_DPrintf(), DEBUG_CLIENT, i, objDef_s::idx, itemsTmp_s::item, aircraft_s::itemcargo, aircraft_s::itemTypes, and objDef_s::name.

Referenced by AII_CollectingAmmo(), AII_CollectingItems(), and AL_AddAliens().

static void AII_InitialiseAircraftSlots ( aircraft_t aircraftTemplate  )  [static]

Initialise all values of an aircraft slot.

[in] aircraftTemplate Pointer to the aircraft which needs initalisation of its slots.

Definition at line 1397 of file cp_aircraft.c.

References AC_ITEM_ELECTRONICS, AC_ITEM_SHIELD, AC_ITEM_WEAPON, AII_InitialiseSlot(), aircraft_s::electronics, i, MAX_AIRCRAFTSLOT, aircraft_s::shield, and aircraft_s::weapons.

Referenced by AIR_ParseAircraft().

static void AII_SetAircraftInSlots ( aircraft_t aircraft  )  [static]

Initialise aircraft pointer in each slot of an aircraft.

[in] aircraft Pointer to the aircraft where slots are.

Definition at line 739 of file cp_aircraft.c.

References aircraftSlot_s::aircraft, aircraft_s::electronics, i, MAX_AIRCRAFTSLOT, aircraft_s::shield, and aircraft_s::weapons.

Referenced by AIR_NewAircraft().

void AIM_AddEmployeeFromMenu ( aircraft_t aircraft,
const int  num 

Adds or removes a soldier to/from an aircraft.

[in,out] aircraft Aircraft to add to/remove from
[in] num Index of Soldier (in menu) to add/remove
See also:

Definition at line 3208 of file cp_aircraft.c.

References AIR_AddEmployee(), AIR_IsEmployeeInAircraft(), AIR_RemoveEmployee(), Com_DPrintf(), Com_Error(), DEBUG_CLIENT, E_GetEmployeeByMenuIndex(), ERR_DROP, and employee_s::idx.

Referenced by AIR_AssignInitial(), and CL_AssignSoldier_f().

aircraft_t* AIR_Add ( base_t base,
const aircraft_t aircraftTemplate 

Adds a new aircraft from a given aircraft template to the base and sets the homebase for the new aircraft to the given base.

[out] base The base to add the aircraft to
[in] aircraftTemplate The template to create the new aircraft from
the newly added aircraft
See also:

Definition at line 759 of file cp_aircraft.c.

References base_s::aircraft, byte, ccs, data, aircraft_s::homebase, LIST_Add(), and ccs_s::numAircraft.

Referenced by AIR_LoadXML(), AIR_MoveAircraftIntoNewHomebase(), and AIR_NewAircraft().

static qboolean AIR_AddEmployee ( employee_t employee,
aircraft_t aircraft 
) [static]

Assigns a soldier to an aircraft.

[in] employee The employee to be assigned to the aircraft.
[in] aircraft What aircraft to assign employee to.
returns true if a soldier could be assigned to the aircraft.
See also:

Definition at line 3186 of file cp_aircraft.c.

References AIR_AddToAircraftTeam(), AIR_GetTeamSize(), AIR_IsEmployeeInAircraft(), aircraft_s::maxTeamSize, and qfalse.

Referenced by AIM_AddEmployeeFromMenu().

qboolean AIR_AddToAircraftTeam ( aircraft_t aircraft,
employee_t employee 

Adds given employee to given aircraft.

[in] aircraft Pointer to an aircraft, to which we will add employee.
[in] employee The employee to add to the aircraft.
this is responsible for adding soldiers to a team in dropship

Definition at line 2180 of file cp_aircraft.c.

References aircraft_s::acTeam, AIR_GetTeamSize(), Com_DPrintf(), DEBUG_CLIENT, employee_s::idx, LIST_AddPointer(), aircraft_s::maxTeamSize, qfalse, and qtrue.

Referenced by AIR_AddEmployee(), and CP_BaseAttackStartMission().

qboolean AIR_AircraftAllowed ( const base_t base  ) 

Returns true if the current base is able to handle aircraft.

See also:
Hangar must be accessible during base attack to make aircraft lift off and to equip soldiers.

Definition at line 2905 of file cp_aircraft.c.

References B_GetBuildingStatus(), B_HANGAR, and B_SMALL_HANGAR.

Referenced by B_BaseInit_f(), and B_BuildingOpenAfterClick().

aircraft_t* AIR_AircraftGetFromIDX ( int  idx  ) 

Returns aircraft for a given global index.

[in] idx Global aircraft index.
An aircraft pointer (to a struct in a base) that has the given index or NULL if no aircraft found.

Definition at line 1318 of file cp_aircraft.c.

References AIR_GetNextFromBase(), B_GetFoundedBaseByIDX(), ccs, Com_DPrintf(), DEBUG_CLIENT, base_s::idx, aircraft_s::idx, base_s::name, and ccs_s::numBases.

Referenced by AIR_LoadAircraftXML(), AIRFIGHT_LoadXML(), CP_LoadMissionsXML(), MAP_MultiSelectExecuteAction_f(), PR_UpdateProductionList(), TR_AircraftListSelect(), TR_CargoList(), TR_CheckAircraft(), TR_EmptyTransferCargo(), TR_TransferAliensFromMission_f(), TR_TransferListSelect_f(), TR_TransferSelect(), and TR_TransferStart().

qboolean AIR_AircraftHasEnoughFuel ( const aircraft_t aircraft,
const vec2_t  destination 

check if aircraft has enough fuel to go to destination, and then come back home

[in] aircraft Pointer to the aircraft
[in] destination Pointer to the position the aircraft should go to
See also:
qtrue if the aircraft can go to the position, qfalse else

Definition at line 592 of file cp_aircraft.c.

References AIR_GetRemainingRange(), GetDistanceOnGlobe(), aircraft_s::homebase, base_s::pos, aircraft_s::pos, and SECONDS_PER_HOUR.

Referenced by AIR_SendAircraftPursuingUFO(), AIR_SendAircraftToMission(), CL_CampaignRunAircraft(), CL_DisplayPopupInterceptUFO(), and MAP_MapClick().

qboolean AIR_AircraftHasEnoughFuelOneWay ( const aircraft_t const *  aircraft,
const vec2_t  destination 

check if aircraft has enough fuel to go to destination

[in] aircraft Pointer to the aircraft
[in] destination Pointer to the position the aircraft should go to
See also:
qtrue if the aircraft can go to the position, qfalse else

Definition at line 618 of file cp_aircraft.c.

References AIR_GetRemainingRange(), GetDistanceOnGlobe(), aircraft_s::pos, and SECONDS_PER_HOUR.

Referenced by AIR_CheckMoveIntoNewHomebase().

qboolean AIR_AircraftMakeMove ( int  dt,
aircraft_t aircraft 

Moves given aircraft.

[in] dt time delta
[in] aircraft Pointer to aircraft on its way.
true if the aircraft reached its destination.

Definition at line 1108 of file cp_aircraft.c.

References AIR_STATS_SPEED, mapline_s::distance, aircraft_s::fuel, aircraft_s::hasMoved, int(), MAP_CheckPositionBoundaries(), aircraft_s::numInterpolationPoints, mapline_s::numPoints, mapline_s::point, aircraft_s::point, aircraft_s::pos, aircraft_s::projectedPos, qfalse, qtrue, aircraft_s::route, SECONDS_PER_HOUR, aircraft_s::stats, aircraft_s::time, and VectorSet.

Referenced by AIR_Move(), and UFO_CampaignRunUFOs().

void AIR_AircraftReturnToBase ( aircraft_t aircraft  ) 
void AIR_AircraftsNotifyMissionRemoved ( const mission_t *const   mission  ) 

Notify that a mission has been removed.

[in] mission Pointer to the mission that has been removed.

Definition at line 1810 of file cp_aircraft.c.

References AIR_AircraftReturnToBase(), AIR_GetNextFromBase(), AIR_MISSION, B_GetFoundedBaseByIDX(), ccs, aircraft_s::mission, ccs_s::numBases, and aircraft_s::status.

Referenced by CP_MissionRemoveFromGeoscape().

void AIR_AircraftsNotifyUFORemoved ( const aircraft_t *const   ufo,
qboolean  destroyed 

Notify that a UFO has been removed.

[in] ufo Pointer to UFO that has been removed.
[in] destroyed True if the UFO has been destroyed, false if it only landed.

Definition at line 1832 of file cp_aircraft.c.

References AIR_AircraftReturnToBase(), AIR_GetNextFromBase(), AIR_UFO, aircraft_s::aircraftTarget, B_GetFoundedBaseByIDX(), base_s::batteries, base_s::lasers, base_s::numBatteries, base_s::numLasers, aircraft_s::status, and baseWeapon_s::target.

Referenced by CP_UFORemoveFromGeoscape().

const char* AIR_AircraftStatusToName ( const aircraft_t aircraft  ) 

Translates the aircraft status id to a translatable string.

[in] aircraft Aircraft to translate the status of
Translation string of given status.

Definition at line 429 of file cp_aircraft.c.

References _, AIR_CRASHED, AIR_DROP, AIR_HOME, AIR_IDLE, AIR_INTERCEPT, AIR_IsAircraftInBase(), AIR_MISSION, AIR_NONE, AIR_REFUEL, AIR_RETURNING, AIR_TRANSFER, AIR_TRANSIT, AIR_UFO, BASE_UNDER_ATTACK, base_s::baseStatus, Com_Error(), ERR_DROP, aircraft_s::homebase, and aircraft_s::status.

Referenced by AIR_AircraftSelect(), CL_DisplayPopupInterceptMission(), CL_DisplayPopupInterceptUFO(), and MAP_GetAircraftText().

void AIR_AircraftsUFODisappear ( const aircraft_t *const   ufo  ) 

Notify that a UFO disappear from radars.

[in] ufo Pointer to a UFO that has disappeared.

Definition at line 1875 of file cp_aircraft.c.

References AIR_AircraftReturnToBase(), AIR_GetNextFromBase(), AIR_UFO, aircraft_s::aircraftTarget, B_GetBaseByIDX(), and aircraft_s::status.

Referenced by UFO_CampaignCheckEvents().

void AIR_AssignInitial ( aircraft_t aircraft  ) 

Assigns initial team of soldiers to aircraft.

[in,out] aircraft soldiers to add to

Definition at line 3236 of file cp_aircraft.c.

References AIM_AddEmployeeFromMenu(), Com_Printf(), E_GenerateHiredEmployeesList(), aircraft_s::homebase, and aircraft_s::maxTeamSize.

Referenced by B_SetUpFirstBase().

void AIR_AutoAddPilotToAircraft ( base_t base,
employee_t pilot 

Adds the pilot to the first available aircraft at the specified base.

[in] base Which base has aircraft to add the pilot to.
[in] pilot Which pilot to add.

Definition at line 2277 of file cp_aircraft.c.

References AIR_GetNextFromBase(), and aircraft_s::pilot.

Referenced by E_HireEmployee().

qboolean AIR_BaseHasAircraft ( const base_t base  ) 

Checks whether there is any aircraft assigned to the given base.

[in] base The base to check
true if there is at least one aircraft, false otherwise (or when the base pointer is NULL)

Definition at line 68 of file cp_aircraft.c.

References AIR_GetNextFromBase().

Referenced by AIR_AircraftSelect(), AIR_DeleteAircraft(), B_BaseInit_f(), and B_BuildingOpenAfterClick().

int AIR_CalculateHangarStorage ( const aircraft_t aircraftTemplate,
const base_t base,
int  used 

Calculates free space in hangars in given base.

[in] aircraftTemplate aircraft in aircraftTemplates list.
[in] base The base to calc the free space in.
[in] used Additional space "used" in hangars (use that when calculating space for more than one aircraft).
Amount of free space in hangars suitable for given aircraft type.
Returns -1 in case of error. Returns 0 if no error but no free space.

Definition at line 2988 of file cp_aircraft.c.

References AIR_GetCapacityByAircraftWeight(), base_s::capacities, cap_maxcur_s::cur, base_s::founded, cap_maxcur_s::max, and aircraft_s::tpl.

Referenced by BS_BuyAircraft_f(), PR_ProductionFrame(), PR_ProductionIncrease_f(), PR_QueueNew(), TR_CheckAircraft(), and TR_EmptyTransferCargo().

qboolean AIR_CanIntercept ( const aircraft_t aircraft  ) 
aircraft The aircraft to check
true if the given aircraft can go on interceptions

Definition at line 2914 of file cp_aircraft.c.

References AIRCRAFT_LARGE, AIRCRAFT_SMALL, B_GetBuildingStatus(), B_HANGAR, B_SMALL_HANGAR, aircraft_s::homebase, aircraft_s::pilot, qfalse, qtrue, and aircraft_s::size.

Referenced by CL_DisplayPopupInterceptMission(), and CL_DisplayPopupInterceptUFO().

const char* AIR_CheckMoveIntoNewHomebase ( const aircraft_t aircraft,
const base_t base,
const int  capacity 
static void AIR_CorrectAircraftSlotPointers ( aircraft_t aircraft  )  [static]

resets aircraftSlots' backreference pointers for aircraft

[in] aircraft Pointer to the aircraft

Definition at line 2791 of file cp_aircraft.c.

References aircraftSlot_s::aircraft, aircraftSlot_s::base, aircraft_s::electronics, aircraftSlot_s::installation, aircraft_s::maxElectronics, aircraft_s::maxWeapons, aircraft_s::shield, and aircraft_s::weapons.

Referenced by AIR_LoadXML().

int AIR_CountTypeInBase ( const base_t base,
aircraftType_t  aircraftType 

Calculates the amount of aircraft (of the given type) in the selected base.

[in] base The base to count the aircraft in
[in] aircraftType The type of the aircraft you want

Definition at line 515 of file cp_aircraft.c.

References AIR_GetNextFromBase(), count, and aircraft_s::type.

Referenced by BaseSummary_Init().

qboolean AIR_Delete ( base_t base,
const aircraft_t aircraft 

Will remove the given aircraft from the base.

[out] base The base to remove the aircraft from
aircraft The aircraft to remove
true if the aircraft was removed, false otherwise
See also:

Definition at line 774 of file cp_aircraft.c.

References base_s::aircraft, ccs, LIST_Remove(), and ccs_s::numAircraft.

Referenced by AIR_DeleteAircraft(), and AIR_MoveAircraftIntoNewHomebase().

void AIR_DeleteAircraft ( aircraft_t aircraft  ) 

Removes an aircraft from its base and the game.

[in] aircraft Pointer to aircraft that should be removed.
The assigned soldiers (if any) are removed/unassinged from the aircraft - not fired.
See also:
If you want to do something different (kill, fire, etc...) do it before calling this function.
Return status of deletion for better error handling.
This function has the side effect, that the base aircraft number is reduced by one, also the ccs.employees pointers are moved to fill the gap of the removed employee. Thus pointers like acTeam in the aircraft can point to wrong employees now. This has to be taken into account

Definition at line 1020 of file cp_aircraft.c.

References AII_RemoveItemFromSlot(), AIR_BaseHasAircraft(), AIR_Delete(), AIR_GetNextFromBase(), AIR_IsAircraftOnGeoscape(), AIR_RemoveEmployees(), AIR_UpdateHangarCapForAll(), base_s::aircraftCurrent, Cmd_ExecuteString(), Cvar_Set(), Cvar_SetValue(), aircraft_s::electronics, aircraft_s::homebase, i, MAP_NotifyAircraftRemoved(), MAX_AIRCRAFTSLOT, qfalse, RADAR_UpdateWholeRadarOverlay(), aircraft_s::shield, TR_NotifyAircraftRemoved(), and aircraft_s::weapons.

Referenced by AIR_DestroyAircraft(), B_RemoveAircraftExceedingCapacity(), BS_SellAircraft_f(), and TR_EmptyTransferCargo().

void AIR_DestroyAircraft ( aircraft_t aircraft  ) 

Removes an aircraft from its base and the game.

[in] aircraft Pointer to aircraft that should be removed.
aircraft and assigned soldiers (if any) are removed from game.
Return status of deletion for better error handling.

Definition at line 1078 of file cp_aircraft.c.

References aircraft_s::acTeam, AIR_DeleteAircraft(), Com_Error(), linkedList_s::data, E_DeleteEmployee(), E_RemoveInventoryFromStorage(), ERR_DROP, aircraft_s::id, linkedList_s::next, aircraft_s::pilot, and employee_s::type.

Referenced by AIRFIGHT_ActionsAfterAirfight(), B_MoveAircraftOnGeoscapeToOtherBases(), and CP_MissionEndActions().

aircraft_t* AIR_GetAircraft ( const char *  name  ) 

Searches the global array of aircraft types for a given aircraft.

[in] name Aircraft id.
aircraft_t pointer or errors out (ERR_DROP)

Definition at line 724 of file cp_aircraft.c.

References AIR_GetAircraftSilent(), Com_Error(), and ERR_DROP.

Referenced by AIR_LoadAircraftXML(), AIR_NewAircraft(), AIR_ParseAircraft(), B_SetUpFirstBase(), BS_InitMarket(), CL_CampaignRunMarket(), PR_LoadXML(), RS_AssignTechLinks(), UFO_MissionResultToString(), UP_AircraftDescription(), UR_DialogInit_f(), and US_LoadXML().

aircraft_t* AIR_GetAircraftFromBaseByIDXSafe ( base_t base,
int  index 
base The base to get the aircraft from
index The index of the aircraft in the given base
NULL if there is no such aircraft in the given base, or the aircraft pointer that belongs to the given index.

Definition at line 683 of file cp_aircraft.c.

References AIR_GetNextFromBase(), and i.

Referenced by AIM_SelectAircraft_f().

int AIR_GetAircraftIDXInBase ( const aircraft_t aircraft  ) 

Returns the index of the aircraft in the base->aircraft array.

[in] aircraft The aircraft to get the index for.
The array index or AIRCRAFT_INBASE_INVALID on error.

Definition at line 655 of file cp_aircraft.c.

References AIR_GetNextFromBase(), AIRCRAFT_INBASE_INVALID, aircraft_s::homebase, and i.

Referenced by AIR_RemoveFromAircraftTeam(), and B_SaveXML().

aircraft_t* AIR_GetAircraftSilent ( const char *  name  ) 

Searches the global array of aircraft types for a given aircraft.

[in] name Aircraft id.
aircraft_t pointer or NULL if not found.
This function gives no warning on null name or if no aircraft found

Definition at line 705 of file cp_aircraft.c.

References ccs_s::aircraftTemplates, ccs, i, aircraft_s::id, and ccs_s::numAircraftTemplates.

Referenced by AIR_GetAircraft(), and GAME_CP_DisplayItemInfo().

const char* AIR_GetAircraftString ( aircraftType_t  aircraftType  ) 

Returns the string that matches the given aircraft type.

Definition at line 531 of file cp_aircraft.c.


Referenced by BaseSummary_Init().

int AIR_GetAircraftWeaponRanges ( const aircraftSlot_t slot,
int  maxSlot,
float *  weaponRanges 

Get the all the unique weapon ranges of this aircraft.

[in] slot Pointer to the aircrafts weapon slot list.
[in] maxSlot maximum number of weapon slots in aircraft.
[out] weaponRanges An array containing a unique list of weapons ranges.
Number of unique weapons ranges.

Definition at line 2316 of file cp_aircraft.c.

References AIR_STATS_WRANGE, aircraftSlot_s::ammo, objDef_s::craftitem, MAX_AIRCRAFTSLOT, Q_FloatSort(), and craftitem_s::stats.

int AIR_GetCapacityByAircraftWeight ( const aircraft_t aircraft  ) 
static float AIR_GetDestinationDerivativeFunction ( const float  c,
const float  B,
const float  speedRatio,
float  a 
) [inline, static]

derivative of the funtion we need to find roots.

[in] c angle SOT
[in] B angle STI
[in] speedRatio ratio of speed of shooter divided by speed of target.
[in] a angle TOI
S is the position of the shooter, T the position of the target, D the destination of the target and I the interception point where shooter should reach target.
value of the derivative function.

Definition at line 1919 of file cp_aircraft.c.

Referenced by AIR_GetDestinationFindRoot().

static float AIR_GetDestinationFindRoot ( const float  c,
const float  B,
const float  speedRatio,
float  start 
) [static]

Find the roots of a function.

[in] c angle SOT
[in] B angle STI
[in] speedRatio ratio of speed of shooter divided by speed of target.
[in] start minimum value of the root to find
S is the position of the shooter, T the position of the target, D the destination of the target and I the interception point where shooter should reach target.
root of the function.

< step for rough calculation. this value must be short enough so that we're sure there's only 1 root in this range.

< precision of the calculation

< maximum value of the root to search

< precision of current point

< abscissa of the point

< ordinate of the point

< derivative of the point

Definition at line 1935 of file cp_aircraft.c.

References AIR_GetDestinationDerivativeFunction(), AIR_GetDestinationFunction(), Com_DPrintf(), Com_Error(), DEBUG_CLIENT, and ERR_DROP.

Referenced by AIR_GetDestinationWhilePursuing().

static float AIR_GetDestinationFunction ( const float  c,
const float  B,
const float  speedRatio,
float  a 
) [inline, static]

funtion we need to find roots.

[in] c angle SOT
[in] B angle STI
[in] speedRatio ratio of speed of shooter divided by speed of target.
[in] a angle TOI
S is the position of the shooter, T the position of the target, D the destination of the target and I the interception point where shooter should reach target.
value of the function.

Definition at line 1903 of file cp_aircraft.c.

Referenced by AIR_GetDestinationFindRoot().

void AIR_GetDestinationWhilePursuing ( const aircraft_t const *  shooter,
const aircraft_t const *  target,
vec2_t dest 

Calculates the point where aircraft should go to intecept a moving target.

[in] shooter Pointer to shooting aircraft.
[in] target Pointer to target aircraft.
[out] dest Destination that shooting aircraft should aim to intercept target aircraft.
only compute this calculation every time target changes destination, or one of the aircraft speed changes.
See also:

In the following, we note S the position of the shooter, T the position of the target, D the destination of the target and I the interception point where shooter should reach target O is the center of earth. A, B and C are the angles TSI, STI and SIT a, b, and c are the angles TOI, SOI and SOT

According to geometry on a sphere, the values defined above must be solutions of both equations: sin(A) / sin(a) = sin(B) / sin(b) cos(a) = cos(b) * cos(c) + sin(b) * sin(c) * cos(A) And we have another equation, given by the fact that shooter and target must reach I at the same time: shooterSpeed * a = targetSpeed * b We the want to find and equation linking a, c and B (we know the last 2 values). We therefore eliminate b, then A, to get the equation we need to solve: pow(cos(a) - cos(speedRatio * a) * cos(c), 2.)

  • sin(c) * sin(c) * (sin(speedRatio * a) * sin(speedRatio * a) - sin(a) * sin(a) * sin(B) * sin(B)) = 0

Definition at line 2040 of file cp_aircraft.c.

References AIR_GetDestinationFindRoot(), AIR_STATS_SPEED, Com_DPrintf(), CrossProduct(), DEBUG_CLIENT, DotProduct, f, GetDistanceOnGlobe(), mapline_s::numPoints, mapline_s::point, PolarToVec(), aircraft_s::pos, RotatePointAroundVector(), aircraft_s::route, aircraft_s::stats, todeg, torad, VecToPolar(), Vector2Copy, and VectorNormalize().

Referenced by AIR_SendAircraftPursuingUFO(), and UFO_SendPursuingAircraft().

aircraft_t* AIR_GetNextFromBase ( const base_t b,
aircraft_t lastAircraft 

Iterates through the aircraft of a base.

[in] lastAircraft Pointer of the aircraft to iterate from. call with NULL to get the first one.

Definition at line 49 of file cp_aircraft.c.

References AIR_CRASHED, base_s::aircraft, and LIST_GetNext().

Referenced by AB_UpdateStealthForAllBase(), AII_RepairAircraft(), AII_UpdateInstallationDelay(), AIM_PilotAssignedAircraft(), AIR_AircraftGetFromIDX(), AIR_AircraftSelect(), AIR_AircraftsNotifyMissionRemoved(), AIR_AircraftsNotifyUFORemoved(), AIR_AircraftsUFODisappear(), AIR_AircraftUpdateList_f(), AIR_AutoAddPilotToAircraft(), AIR_BaseHasAircraft(), AIR_CountTypeInBase(), AIR_DeleteAircraft(), AIR_GetAircraftFromBaseByIDXSafe(), AIR_GetAircraftIDXInBase(), AIR_IsEmployeeInAircraft(), AIR_MoveAircraftIntoNewHomebase(), AIR_PostLoadInitMissions(), AIR_RemoveEmployee(), AIR_RemovePilotFromAssignedAircraft(), AIR_SaveXML(), AIR_UpdateHangarCapForAll(), B_MoveAircraftOnGeoscapeToOtherBases(), B_RemoveAircraftExceedingCapacity(), B_SetCurrentSelectedBase(), B_SetUpFirstBase(), BS_GetStorageAmountInBase(), BS_SellAircraft_f(), CL_CampaignRunAircraft(), CL_DisplayPopupInterceptMission(), CL_DisplayPopupInterceptUFO(), CL_ResetSinglePlayerData(), CL_StatsUpdate_f(), CL_UpdateEquipmentMenuParameters_f(), CP_BaseAttackMissionIsFailure(), CP_NationHandleBudget(), CP_SpawnRescueMission(), E_DeleteEmployee(), E_IsAwayFromBase(), MAP_DrawMapMarkers(), MAP_GetGeoscapeAngle(), MAP_MapClick(), RADAR_AddDetectedUFOToEveryRadar(), RADAR_DeactivateRadarOverlay(), RADAR_NotifyUFORemoved(), RADAR_UpdateWholeRadarOverlay(), RS_InitTree(), UFO_CampaignCheckEvents(), and UFO_SearchAircraftTarget().

int AIR_GetOperationRange ( const aircraft_t aircraft  ) 

Calculates the range an aircraft can fly on the geoscape.

aircraft The aircraft to calculate the range for
The range

Definition at line 568 of file cp_aircraft.c.


Referenced by AIR_AircraftSelect(), and UP_AircraftDescription().

int AIR_GetRemainingRange ( const aircraft_t aircraft  ) 

Calculates the remaining range the aircraft can fly.

aircraft The aircraft to calculate the remaining range for
The remaining range

Definition at line 580 of file cp_aircraft.c.

References AIR_STATS_SPEED, aircraft_s::fuel, and aircraft_s::stats.

Referenced by AIR_AircraftHasEnoughFuel(), and AIR_AircraftHasEnoughFuelOneWay().

static int AIR_GetStorageRoom ( const aircraft_t aircraft  )  [static]

Calculate used storage room corresponding to items in an aircraft.

[in] aircraft Pointer to the aircraft.

Definition at line 846 of file cp_aircraft.c.

References aircraft_s::acTeam, employee_s::chr, CONTAINER, csi, linkedList_s::data, INVDEF, invList_s::item, item_s::m, invList_s::next, linkedList_s::next, csi_s::numIDs, objDef_s::size, and item_s::t.

Referenced by AIR_CheckMoveIntoNewHomebase().

int AIR_GetTeamSize ( const aircraft_t aircraft  ) 
qboolean AIR_IsAircraftInBase ( const aircraft_t aircraft  ) 

Checks whether given aircraft is in its homebase.

[in] aircraft Pointer to an aircraft.
qtrue if given aircraft is in its homebase.
qfalse if given aircraft is not in its homebase.

Definition at line 474 of file cp_aircraft.c.

References AIR_HOME, AIR_REFUEL, qfalse, qtrue, and aircraft_s::status.

Referenced by AII_ReloadWeapon(), AII_RepairAircraft(), AII_UpdateInstallationDelay(), AIM_AircraftStart_f(), AIR_AircraftSelect(), AIR_AircraftStatusToName(), AIR_SendAircraftPursuingUFO(), AIR_SendAircraftToMission(), AIRFIGHT_ProjectileHits(), B_RemoveAircraftExceedingCapacity(), BS_SellAircraft_f(), CL_EquipSoldierState(), E_IsAwayFromBase(), MAP_DrawMap(), and TR_AircraftListSelect().

qboolean AIR_IsAircraftOnGeoscape ( const aircraft_t aircraft  ) 

Checks whether given aircraft is on geoscape.

[in] aircraft Pointer to an aircraft.
aircraft may be neither on geoscape, nor in base (like when it's transferred)
qtrue if given aircraft is on geoscape.
qfalse if given aircraft is not on geoscape.

Definition at line 488 of file cp_aircraft.c.


Referenced by AB_UpdateStealthForAllBase(), AIR_AircraftReturnToBase(), AIR_DeleteAircraft(), B_MoveAircraftOnGeoscapeToOtherBases(), B_RemoveAircraftExceedingCapacity(), CL_CampaignRunAircraft(), MAP_DrawMapMarkers(), MAP_GetGeoscapeAngle(), MAP_MapClick(), RADAR_AddDetectedUFOToEveryRadar(), RADAR_UpdateWholeRadarOverlay(), UFO_CampaignCheckEvents(), UFO_CheckShootBack(), and UFO_SearchAircraftTarget().

const aircraft_t* AIR_IsEmployeeInAircraft ( const employee_t employee,
const aircraft_t aircraft 

Tells you if a soldier is assigned to an aircraft.

[in] employee The soldier to search for.
[in] aircraft The aircraft to search the soldier in. Use NULL to check if the soldier is in any aircraft.
true if the soldier was found in the aircraft otherwise false.

Definition at line 3056 of file cp_aircraft.c.

References AIR_GetNextFromBase(), AIR_IsInAircraftTeam(), B_GetFoundedBaseByIDX(), ccs, EMPL_PILOT, ccs_s::numBases, aircraft_s::pilot, employee_s::transfer, and employee_s::type.

Referenced by AIM_AddEmployeeFromMenu(), AIR_AddEmployee(), AIR_RemoveEmployee(), CL_UpdateCharacterStats(), CL_UpdateEmployeeList(), CP_MissionEnd(), E_RemoveEmployeeFromBuildingOrAircraft(), and TR_CheckEmployee().

qboolean AIR_IsInAircraftTeam ( const aircraft_t aircraft,
const employee_t employee 

Checks whether given employee is in given aircraft.

[in] aircraft The aircraft to check
[in] employee Employee to check.
true if the given employee is assigned to the given aircraft.

Definition at line 2243 of file cp_aircraft.c.

References aircraft_s::acTeam, AIR_GetTeamSize(), Com_DPrintf(), Com_Printf(), DEBUG_CLIENT, LIST_GetPointer(), and qfalse.

Referenced by AIR_IsEmployeeInAircraft(), and E_IsAwayFromBase().

static void AIR_LoadAircraftSlotsXML ( aircraft_t aircraft,
aircraftSlot_t slot,
mxml_node_t p,
qboolean  weapon,
const int  max 
) [static]

Loads the weapon slots of an aircraft.

[in] aircraft Pointer to the aircraft.
[out] slot Pointer to the slot where item should be added.
[in] p XML Node structure, where we get the information from
[in] weapon True if the slot is a weapon slot.
[in] max Maximum number of slots for this aircraft that should be loaded.
See also:

Definition at line 2573 of file cp_aircraft.c.

References AII_LoadOneSlotXML(), aircraftSlot_s::aircraft, Com_Printf(), mxml_GetNextNode(), mxml_GetNode(), and SAVE_AIRCRAFT_SLOT.

Referenced by AIR_LoadAircraftXML().

static qboolean AIR_LoadAircraftXML ( mxml_node_t p,
aircraft_t craft 
) [static]

Loads an Aircraft from the savegame.

[in] p XML Node structure, where we get the information from
[out] craft Pointer to the aircraft

Definition at line 2618 of file cp_aircraft.c.

References _, aircraft_s::acTeam, AIR_AircraftGetFromIDX(), AIR_GetAircraft(), AIR_GetTeamSize(), AIR_LoadAircraftSlotsXML(), AIR_LoadRouteXML(), AIR_STATS_DAMAGE, aircraft_s::aircraftTarget, AL_GetAircraftAlienCargo, AL_SetAircraftAlienCargoTypes, itemsTmp_s::amount, aliensTmp_s::amountAlive, aliensTmp_s::amountDead, B_GetBaseByIDX(), ccs, Com_GetConstIntFromNamespace(), Com_GetTeamDefinitionByID(), Com_Printf(), Com_RegisterConstList(), Com_UnregisterConstList(), cp_campaignPool, aircraft_s::damage, date_s::day, aircraft_s::defaultName, aircraft_s::detected, aircraft_s::detectionIdx, aircraft_s::direction, E_GetEmployeeFromChrUCN(), aircraft_s::electronics, aircraft_s::fuel, aircraft_s::hangar, aircraft_s::homebase, aircraft_s::id, aircraft_s::idx, INVSH_GetItemByID(), itemsTmp_s::item, aircraft_s::itemcargo, aircraft_s::itemTypes, aircraft_s::landed, aircraft_s::lastSpotted, LIST_AddPointer(), MAX_CARGO, aircraft_s::maxElectronics, aircraft_s::maxTeamSize, aircraft_s::maxWeapons, Mem_PoolStrDup, aircraft_s::missionID, mxml_GetBool(), mxml_GetDate(), mxml_GetInt(), mxml_GetLong(), mxml_GetNextNode(), mxml_GetNode(), mxml_GetPos3(), mxml_GetString(), aircraft_s::name, ccs_s::numUFOs, aircraft_s::pilot, aircraft_s::point, aircraft_s::pos, Q_strncpyz(), qfalse, qtrue, aircraft_s::radar, RADAR_InitialiseUFOs(), radar_s::range, aircraft_s::route, SAVE_AIRCRAFT_AIRCRAFTTARGET, SAVE_AIRCRAFT_AIRCRAFTTEAM, SAVE_AIRCRAFT_AIRSTAT, SAVE_AIRCRAFT_AIRSTATID, SAVE_AIRCRAFT_AIRSTATS, SAVE_AIRCRAFT_ALIENCARGO, SAVE_AIRCRAFT_ALIVE, SAVE_AIRCRAFT_AMOUNT, SAVE_AIRCRAFT_CARGO, SAVE_AIRCRAFT_DAMAGE, SAVE_AIRCRAFT_DEAD, SAVE_AIRCRAFT_DETECTED, SAVE_AIRCRAFT_DETECTIONIDX, SAVE_AIRCRAFT_DIRECTION, SAVE_AIRCRAFT_ELECTRONICS, SAVE_AIRCRAFT_FUEL, SAVE_AIRCRAFT_HANGAR, SAVE_AIRCRAFT_HOMEBASE, SAVE_AIRCRAFT_ID, SAVE_AIRCRAFT_IDX, SAVE_AIRCRAFT_ITEM, SAVE_AIRCRAFT_ITEMID, SAVE_AIRCRAFT_LANDED, SAVE_AIRCRAFT_LASTSPOTTED_DATE, SAVE_AIRCRAFT_MEMBER, SAVE_AIRCRAFT_MISSIONID, SAVE_AIRCRAFT_NAME, SAVE_AIRCRAFT_PILOTUCN, SAVE_AIRCRAFT_POINT, SAVE_AIRCRAFT_POS, SAVE_AIRCRAFT_RADAR_RANGE, SAVE_AIRCRAFT_RADAR_TRACKINGRANGE, SAVE_AIRCRAFT_SHIELDS, SAVE_AIRCRAFT_STATUS, SAVE_AIRCRAFT_TEAM_UCN, SAVE_AIRCRAFT_TEAMDEFID, SAVE_AIRCRAFT_TIME, SAVE_AIRCRAFT_VAL, SAVE_AIRCRAFT_WEAPONS, SAVE_AIRCRAFTSTAT_NAMESPACE, SAVE_AIRCRAFTSTATUS_NAMESPACE, saveAircraftConstants, date_s::sec, aircraft_s::shield, aircraft_s::stats, aircraft_s::status, aliensTmp_s::teamDef, aircraft_s::time, radar_s::trackingRange, ccs_s::ufos, and aircraft_s::weapons.

Referenced by AIR_LoadXML().

static qboolean AIR_LoadRouteXML ( mxml_node_t p,
mapline_t route 
) [static]

Loads the route of an aircraft.

[in] p XML Node structure, where we get the information from
[out] route Route points of the aircraft

Definition at line 2591 of file cp_aircraft.c.

References Com_Printf(), count, mapline_s::distance, LINE_MAXPTS, mxml_GetFloat(), mxml_GetNextPos2(), mxml_GetNode(), mxml_GetPos2(), mapline_s::numPoints, mapline_s::point, qfalse, qtrue, SAVE_AIRCRAFT_ROUTE, SAVE_AIRCRAFT_ROUTE_DISTANCE, and SAVE_AIRCRAFT_ROUTE_POINT.

Referenced by AIR_LoadAircraftXML().

qboolean AIR_LoadXML ( mxml_node_t parent  ) 
static void AIR_Move ( aircraft_t aircraft,
int  deltaTime 
) [static]
qboolean AIR_MoveAircraftIntoNewHomebase ( aircraft_t aircraft,
base_t base 
void AIR_MoveEmployeeInventoryIntoStorage ( const aircraft_t aircraft,
equipDef_t ed 

Move all the equipment carried by the team on the aircraft into the given equipment.

[in] aircraft The craft with the team (and thus equipment) onboard.
[out] ed The equipment definition which will receive all the stuff from the aircraft-team.

Definition at line 3126 of file cp_aircraft.c.

References item_s::a, aircraft_s::acTeam, AIR_GetTeamSize(), objDef_s::ammo, employee_s::chr, Com_DPrintf(), Com_Printf(), CONTAINER, csi, linkedList_s::data, DEBUG_CLIENT, objDef_s::idx, INVDEF, invList_s::item, item_s::m, invList_s::next, next, linkedList_s::next, csi_s::numIDs, equipDef_s::numItems, equipDef_s::numItemsLoose, objDef_s::reload, item_s::t, and type.

Referenced by B_PackInitialEquipment().

aircraft_t* AIR_NewAircraft ( base_t base,
const char *  name 
void AIR_ParseAircraft ( const char *  name,
const char **  text,
qboolean  assignAircraftItems 

Parses all aircraft that are defined in our UFO-scripts.

See also:
parses the aircraft into our aircraft_sample array to use as reference
This parsing function writes into two different memory pools one is the cp_campaignPool which is cleared on every new game, the other is cl_genericPool which is existant until you close the game

Definition at line 1468 of file cp_aircraft.c.

References AC_ITEM_ELECTRONICS, AC_ITEM_WEAPON, AII_InitialiseAircraftSlots(), AIR_GetAircraft(), AIR_HOME, AIR_POSITIONS_MAX, air_slot_type_strings, AIR_STATS_FUELSIZE, AIR_STATS_SPEED, AIRCRAFT_INTERCEPTOR, AIRCRAFT_LARGE, AIRCRAFT_SMALL, AIRCRAFT_TRANSPORTER, AIRCRAFT_UFO, ccs_s::aircraftTemplates, aircraftSlot_s::ammo, ccs, cl_genericPool, Com_DPrintf(), Com_EParse(), Com_EParseValue(), Com_Error(), Com_Parse(), Com_Printf(), Com_UFOShortNameToID(), DEBUG_CLIENT, aircraft_s::electronics, ERR_DROP, f, FS_SkipBlock(), i, aircraft_s::id, int(), INVSH_GetItemByID(), aircraftSlot_s::item, ITEM_HEAVY, ITEM_LIGHT, ITEM_MEDIUM, MAX_ACITEMS, MAX_AIRCRAFT, aircraft_s::maxElectronics, aircraft_s::maxWeapons, Mem_PoolStrDup, Mem_PoolStrDupTo, MEMBER_SIZEOF, aircraft_s::name, ccs_s::numAircraftTemplates, value_s::ofs, aircraftSlot_s::pos, technology_s::provides, Q_strncpyz(), aircraft_s::radar, RADAR_InitialiseUFOs(), RS_GetTechByID(), SECONDS_PER_HOUR, aircraft_s::shield, aircraft_s::size, value_s::size, aircraftSlot_s::size, aircraft_s::stats, aircraft_s::status, value_s::string, Sys_Error(), aircraft_s::tpl, value_s::type, aircraft_s::type, UFO_MAX, aircraft_s::ufotype, V_CLIENT_HUNK_STRING, V_INT, V_TRANSLATION_STRING, and aircraft_s::weapons.

Referenced by CL_ParseScriptFirst(), and CL_ParseScriptSecond().

void AIR_PostLoadInit ( void   ) 

Actions needs to be done after loading the savegame.

See also:

Definition at line 2895 of file cp_aircraft.c.

References AIR_PostLoadInitMissions().

Referenced by SAV_GameActionsAfterLoad().

static void AIR_PostLoadInitMissions ( void   )  [static]

Set the mission pointers for all the aircraft after loading a savegame.

Definition at line 2861 of file cp_aircraft.c.

References AIR_GetNextFromBase(), B_GetFoundedBaseByIDX(), ccs, CP_GetMissionByID(), Mem_Free, aircraft_s::mission, aircraft_s::missionID, ccs_s::numBases, ccs_s::numUFOs, and UFO_GetByIDX().

Referenced by AIR_PostLoadInit().

static void AIR_Refuel ( aircraft_t aircraft,
int  deltaTime 
) [static]
qboolean AIR_RemoveEmployee ( employee_t employee,
aircraft_t aircraft 

Removes a soldier from an aircraft.

[in,out] employee The soldier to be removed from the aircraft.
[in,out] aircraft The aircraft to remove the soldier from. Use NULL to remove the soldier from any aircraft.
See also:

Definition at line 3012 of file cp_aircraft.c.

References AIR_GetNextFromBase(), AIR_IsEmployeeInAircraft(), AIR_RemoveFromAircraftTeam(), B_GetFoundedBaseByIDX(), ccs, employee_s::chr, cls, Com_DPrintf(), DEBUG_CLIENT, inventoryInterface_s::DestroyInventory, aircraft_s::homebase, character_s::i, client_static_s::i, aircraft_s::idx, base_s::idx, ccs_s::numBases, and qfalse.

Referenced by AIM_AddEmployeeFromMenu(), AIR_RemoveEmployees(), CP_SpawnRescueMission(), and E_RemoveEmployeeFromBuildingOrAircraft().

void AIR_RemoveEmployees ( aircraft_t aircraft  ) 

Removes all soldiers from an aircraft.

[in,out] aircraft The aircraft to remove the soldiers from.
See also:

Definition at line 3099 of file cp_aircraft.c.

References aircraft_s::acTeam, AIR_GetTeamSize(), AIR_RemoveEmployee(), Com_Error(), linkedList_s::data, ERR_DROP, linkedList_s::next, and aircraft_s::pilot.

Referenced by AIR_DeleteAircraft(), and TR_TransferStart().

qboolean AIR_RemoveFromAircraftTeam ( aircraft_t aircraft,
const employee_t employee 

Removes given employee from given aircraft team.

[in] aircraft The aircraft to remove the employee from.
[in] employee The employee to remove from the team.
This is responsible for removing soldiers from a team in a dropship.

Definition at line 2208 of file cp_aircraft.c.

References aircraft_s::acTeam, AIR_GetAircraftIDXInBase(), AIR_GetTeamSize(), Com_DPrintf(), Com_Printf(), linkedList_s::data, DEBUG_CLIENT, aircraft_s::homebase, base_s::idx, aircraft_s::idx, employee_s::idx, LIST_RemoveEntry(), aircraft_s::maxTeamSize, linkedList_s::next, qfalse, qtrue, and employee_s::type.

Referenced by AIR_RemoveEmployee().

void AIR_RemovePilotFromAssignedAircraft ( base_t base,
const employee_t pilot 

Checks to see if the pilot is in any aircraft at this base. If he is then he is removed from that aircraft.

[in] base Which base has the aircraft to search for the employee in.
[in] pilot Which pilot to search for.

Definition at line 2296 of file cp_aircraft.c.

References AIR_GetNextFromBase(), and aircraft_s::pilot.

Referenced by CP_SpawnRescueMission(), and E_RemoveEmployeeFromBuildingOrAircraft().

void AIR_ResetAircraftTeam ( aircraft_t aircraft  ) 

Resets team in given aircraft.

[in] aircraft Pointer to an aircraft, where the team will be reset.

Definition at line 2169 of file cp_aircraft.c.

References aircraft_s::acTeam, and LIST_Delete().

Referenced by AIR_NewAircraft().

static void AIR_SaveAircraftSlotsXML ( const aircraftSlot_t slot,
const int  num,
mxml_node_t p,
qboolean  weapon 
) [static]

Saves an item slot.

[in] slot Pointer to the slot where item is.
[in] num Number of slots for this aircraft.
[out] p XML Node structure, where we write the information to
[in] p pointer where information are written.
[in] weapon True if the slot is a weapon slot.
See also:

Definition at line 2380 of file cp_aircraft.c.

References AII_SaveOneSlotXML(), mxml_AddNode(), and SAVE_AIRCRAFT_SLOT.

Referenced by AIR_SaveAircraftXML().

static qboolean AIR_SaveAircraftXML ( mxml_node_t p,
const aircraft_t *const   aircraft,
qboolean const   isUfo 
) [static]

Saves an aircraft.

[out] p XML Node structure, where we write the information to
[in] aircraft Aircraft we save
[in] isUfo If this aircraft is a UFO

detection id and time

Definition at line 2397 of file cp_aircraft.c.

References aircraft_s::acTeam, AIR_MISSION, AIR_SaveAircraftSlotsXML(), AIR_SaveRouteXML(), AIR_STATS_DAMAGE, aircraft_s::aircraftTarget, AL_GetAircraftAlienCargo, AL_GetAircraftAlienCargoTypes, itemsTmp_s::amount, ccs, employee_s::chr, Com_GetConstVariable(), Com_Printf(), Com_RegisterConstList(), Com_UnregisterConstList(), aircraft_s::damage, linkedList_s::data, date_s::day, aircraft_s::detected, aircraft_s::detectionIdx, aircraft_s::direction, aircraft_s::electronics, aircraft_s::fuel, aircraft_s::hangar, aircraft_s::homebase, objDef_s::id, mission_s::id, aircraft_s::id, aircraft_s::idx, base_s::idx, itemsTmp_s::item, aircraft_s::itemcargo, aircraft_s::itemTypes, aircraft_s::landed, aircraft_s::lastSpotted, aircraft_s::maxElectronics, aircraft_s::maxWeapons, aircraft_s::mission, mxml_AddBoolValue(), mxml_AddDate(), mxml_AddInt(), mxml_AddIntValue(), mxml_AddLong(), mxml_AddNode(), mxml_AddPos3(), mxml_AddString(), aircraft_s::name, linkedList_s::next, aircraft_s::pilot, aircraft_s::point, aircraft_s::pos, qfalse, qtrue, aircraft_s::radar, radar_s::range, aircraft_s::route, SAVE_AIRCRAFT_AIRCRAFT, SAVE_AIRCRAFT_AIRCRAFTTARGET, SAVE_AIRCRAFT_AIRCRAFTTEAM, SAVE_AIRCRAFT_AIRSTAT, SAVE_AIRCRAFT_AIRSTATID, SAVE_AIRCRAFT_AIRSTATS, SAVE_AIRCRAFT_ALIENCARGO, SAVE_AIRCRAFT_ALIVE, SAVE_AIRCRAFT_AMOUNT, SAVE_AIRCRAFT_CARGO, SAVE_AIRCRAFT_DAMAGE, SAVE_AIRCRAFT_DEAD, SAVE_AIRCRAFT_DETECTED, SAVE_AIRCRAFT_DETECTIONIDX, SAVE_AIRCRAFT_DIRECTION, SAVE_AIRCRAFT_ELECTRONICS, SAVE_AIRCRAFT_FUEL, SAVE_AIRCRAFT_HANGAR, SAVE_AIRCRAFT_HOMEBASE, SAVE_AIRCRAFT_ID, SAVE_AIRCRAFT_IDX, SAVE_AIRCRAFT_ITEM, SAVE_AIRCRAFT_ITEMID, SAVE_AIRCRAFT_LANDED, SAVE_AIRCRAFT_LASTSPOTTED_DATE, SAVE_AIRCRAFT_MEMBER, SAVE_AIRCRAFT_MISSIONID, SAVE_AIRCRAFT_NAME, SAVE_AIRCRAFT_PILOTUCN, SAVE_AIRCRAFT_POINT, SAVE_AIRCRAFT_POS, SAVE_AIRCRAFT_RADAR_RANGE, SAVE_AIRCRAFT_RADAR_TRACKINGRANGE, SAVE_AIRCRAFT_SHIELDS, SAVE_AIRCRAFT_STATUS, SAVE_AIRCRAFT_TEAM_UCN, SAVE_AIRCRAFT_TEAMDEFID, SAVE_AIRCRAFT_TIME, SAVE_AIRCRAFT_VAL, SAVE_AIRCRAFT_WEAPONS, SAVE_AIRCRAFTSTAT_NAMESPACE, SAVE_AIRCRAFTSTATUS_NAMESPACE, saveAircraftConstants, date_s::sec, aircraft_s::shield, aircraft_s::stats, aircraft_s::status, aircraft_s::time, radar_s::trackingRange, character_s::ucn, ccs_s::ufos, and aircraft_s::weapons.

Referenced by AIR_SaveXML().

static void AIR_SaveRouteXML ( mxml_node_t node,
const mapline_t route 
) [static]

Saves an route plan of an aircraft.

[out] node XML Node structure, where we write the information to
[in] route Aircraft route plan

Definition at line 2358 of file cp_aircraft.c.

References mapline_s::distance, mxml_AddFloatValue(), mxml_AddNode(), mxml_AddPos2(), mapline_s::numPoints, mapline_s::point, SAVE_AIRCRAFT_ROUTE, SAVE_AIRCRAFT_ROUTE_DISTANCE, and SAVE_AIRCRAFT_ROUTE_POINT.

Referenced by AIR_SaveAircraftXML().

qboolean AIR_SaveXML ( mxml_node_t parent  ) 
qboolean AIR_ScriptSanityCheck ( void   ) 
qboolean AIR_SendAircraftPursuingUFO ( aircraft_t aircraft,
aircraft_t ufo 
qboolean AIR_SendAircraftToMission ( aircraft_t aircraft,
mission_t mission 

Sends the specified aircraft to specified mission.

[in] aircraft Pointer to aircraft to send to mission.
[in] mission Pointer to given mission.
qtrue if sending an aircraft to specified mission is possible.

Definition at line 1350 of file cp_aircraft.c.

References _, mission_s::active, AII_ReloadAircraftWeapons(), AIR_AircraftHasEnoughFuel(), AIR_GetTeamSize(), AIR_IsAircraftInBase(), AIR_MISSION, BASE_UNDER_ATTACK, base_s::baseStatus, ccs, aircraft_s::homebase, ccs_s::interceptAircraft, MAP_MapCalcLine(), aircraft_s::mission, MS_AddNewMessage(), MSG_STANDARD, aircraft_s::point, aircraft_s::pos, mission_s::pos, qfalse, qtrue, aircraft_s::route, aircraft_s::status, aircraft_s::time, UI_Popup(), and UI_PushWindow().

Referenced by CL_PopupAircraftClick_f(), and CL_PopupInterceptClick_f().

static void AIR_TransferItemsCarriedByCharacterToBase ( character_t chr,
base_t sourceBase,
base_t destBase 
) [static]

Transfer items carried by a soldier from one base to another.

[in] chr Pointer to the character.
[in] sourceBase Base where employee comes from.
[in] destBase Base where employee is going.

Definition at line 903 of file cp_aircraft.c.

References B_UpdateStorageAndCapacity(), CONTAINER, csi, INVDEF, invList_s::item, item_s::m, invList_s::next, csi_s::numIDs, qfalse, and item_s::t.

Referenced by AIR_MoveAircraftIntoNewHomebase().

void AIR_UpdateHangarCapForAll ( base_t base  ) 

Updates current capacities for hangars in given base.

[in,out] base The base we want to update.
Call this function whenever you sell/loss aircraft in given base.
See also:

Definition at line 135 of file cp_aircraft.c.

References AIR_GetNextFromBase(), AIR_UpdateHangarCapForOne(), CAP_AIRCRAFT_BIG, CAP_AIRCRAFT_SMALL, base_s::capacities, Com_DPrintf(), cap_maxcur_s::cur, DEBUG_CLIENT, aircraft_s::id, base_s::name, and aircraft_s::tpl.

Referenced by AIR_DeleteAircraft(), B_ResetAllStatusAndCapacities(), and CP_SpawnRescueMission().

static int AIR_UpdateHangarCapForOne ( const aircraft_t const *  aircraftTemplate,
base_t base 
) [static]

Updates hangar capacities for one aircraft in given base.

[in] aircraftTemplate Aircraft template.
[in,out] base Pointer to base.
AIRCRAFT_HANGAR_BIG if aircraft was placed in big hangar
AIRCRAFT_HANGAR_ERROR if error or not possible
See also:

Definition at line 83 of file cp_aircraft.c.

References AIRCRAFT_HANGAR_BIG, AIRCRAFT_HANGAR_ERROR, AIRCRAFT_HANGAR_SMALL, AIRCRAFT_LARGE, B_GetBuildingStatus(), B_HANGAR, B_SMALL_HANGAR, CAP_AIRCRAFT_BIG, CAP_AIRCRAFT_SMALL, base_s::capacities, Com_Printf(), cap_maxcur_s::cur, cap_maxcur_s::max, aircraft_s::size, and aircraft_s::tpl.

Referenced by AIR_NewAircraft(), and AIR_UpdateHangarCapForAll().

int CL_AircraftMenuStatsValues ( const int  value,
const int  stat 

Some of the aircraft values needs special calculations when they are shown in the menus.

See also:

Definition at line 549 of file cp_aircraft.c.


Referenced by AIR_AircraftSelect(), MAP_GetAircraftText(), MAP_GetUFOText(), UP_AircraftDescription(), and UP_AircraftItemDescription().

void CL_CampaignRunAircraft ( int  dt,
qboolean  updateRadarOverlay 

Handles aircraft movement and actions in geoscape mode.

See also:
[in] dt time delta (may be 0 if radar overlay should be updated but no aircraft moves)
[in] updateRadarOverlay True if radar overlay should be updated (not needed if geoscape isn't updated)

check if aircraft can go to a closer base with free space

Definition at line 1250 of file cp_aircraft.c.

References _, AII_ReloadWeapon(), AIR_AircraftHasEnoughFuel(), AIR_AircraftReturnToBase(), AIR_GetNextFromBase(), AIR_IDLE, AIR_IsAircraftOnGeoscape(), AIR_Move(), AIR_Refuel(), AIR_REFUEL, AIR_RETURNING, AIR_UFO, aircraft_s::aircraftTarget, AIRFIGHT_ExecuteActions(), aircraftSlot_s::ammoLeft, B_GetBaseByIDX(), aircraftSlot_s::delayNextShot, aircraft_s::fuel, aircraft_s::homebase, MAP_IsRadarOverlayActivated(), aircraft_s::maxWeapons, MS_AddNewMessage(), MSG_STANDARD, aircraft_s::name, aircraft_s::pos, qfalse, qtrue, RADAR_UpdateWholeRadarOverlay(), aircraft_s::status, va(), and aircraft_s::weapons.

Referenced by CL_CampaignFunctionPeriodicCall().

Variable Documentation

const char* air_position_strings[AIR_POSITIONS_MAX] [static]
Initial value:

List of valid strings for itemPos_t.

must be in the same order than itemPos_t

Definition at line 1413 of file cp_aircraft.c.

const value_t aircraft_param_vals[] [static]
Initial value:
    {"speed", V_INT, offsetof(aircraft_t, stats[AIR_STATS_SPEED]), MEMBER_SIZEOF(aircraft_t, stats[0])},
    {"maxspeed", V_INT, offsetof(aircraft_t, stats[AIR_STATS_MAXSPEED]), MEMBER_SIZEOF(aircraft_t, stats[0])},
    {"shield", V_INT, offsetof(aircraft_t, stats[AIR_STATS_SHIELD]), MEMBER_SIZEOF(aircraft_t, stats[0])},
    {"ecm", V_INT, offsetof(aircraft_t, stats[AIR_STATS_ECM]), MEMBER_SIZEOF(aircraft_t, stats[0])},
    {"damage", V_INT, offsetof(aircraft_t, stats[AIR_STATS_DAMAGE]), MEMBER_SIZEOF(aircraft_t, stats[0])},
    {"accuracy", V_INT, offsetof(aircraft_t, stats[AIR_STATS_ACCURACY]), MEMBER_SIZEOF(aircraft_t, stats[0])},
    {"antimatter", V_INT, offsetof(aircraft_t, stats[AIR_STATS_ANTIMATTER]), MEMBER_SIZEOF(aircraft_t, stats[0])},

    {NULL, 0, 0, 0}

Valid aircraft parameter definitions from script files.

wrange can't be parsed in aircraft definition: this is a property of weapon

Definition at line 1427 of file cp_aircraft.c.

const value_t aircraft_vals[] [static]
Initial value:
    {"name", V_STRING, offsetof(aircraft_t, name), 0},
    {"defaultname", V_TRANSLATION_STRING, offsetof(aircraft_t, defaultName), 0},
    {"numteam", V_INT, offsetof(aircraft_t, maxTeamSize), MEMBER_SIZEOF(aircraft_t, maxTeamSize)},
    {"size", V_INT, offsetof(aircraft_t, size), MEMBER_SIZEOF(aircraft_t, size)},
    {"nogeoscape", V_BOOL, offsetof(aircraft_t, notOnGeoscape), MEMBER_SIZEOF(aircraft_t, notOnGeoscape)},
    {"interestlevel", V_INT, offsetof(aircraft_t, ufoInterestOnGeoscape), MEMBER_SIZEOF(aircraft_t, ufoInterestOnGeoscape)},

    {"image", V_CLIENT_HUNK_STRING, offsetof(aircraft_t, image), 0},
    {"model", V_CLIENT_HUNK_STRING, offsetof(aircraft_t, model), 0},
    {"price", V_INT, offsetof(aircraft_t, price), MEMBER_SIZEOF(aircraft_t, price)},
    {"building", V_CLIENT_HUNK_STRING, offsetof(aircraft_t, building), 0},

    {NULL, 0, 0, 0}

Valid aircraft definition values from script files.

Definition at line 1440 of file cp_aircraft.c.

equipDef_t eTempEq [static]

Used to count ammo in magazines.

Definition at line 259 of file cp_aircraft.c.

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